4BM Scene 6

Scene 6 - The Cast


Louis M

Louis is playing the part of Jessie, a very bossy character. He is a great friend, is easy to talk to and he enjoys sports like dance, basketball and tennis. Louis would like to thank everyone who helped with production and his friends and family for
supporting him.

Ester Lu

Ester Lu is a talented actor. Ester Lu likes singing and dancing. Ester Lu would like to thank, Ben, her excellent director, and her mum and dad.

Lucy R

Lucy is always trying to make people laugh. She enjoys playing basketball, soccer, and swimming. Lucy is thankful to all of her family and friends for helping and supporting her during production.

Lola H

Lola Hughes is playing the part of Charlie in scene 6. Her favourite things are basketball and playing with her friends, but the production has also brought out an interest in acting. Lola is a good friend and is easy to talk to. She has been looking forward to the production and would like to thank: Her mum, dad, extended family and friends. She also wants to thank the production team.

Lucy H

Lucy H is playing the part of Evan in the Clifton Hill Primary School production. Her friends describe her as very kind, inquisitive and open. She is very excited to be in the performance and being able to develop her character in the play.

Stella B

Stella is playing the part of Sam, a very sporty character. At school, Stella loves sports, plays the guitar, piano and likes to sing. Outside of school she plays AFL and basketball. Her friends describe her as kind, caring and sporty. Stella would like to thank all of the people who were involved in the making of this production, her friends and family for all their support.

Nick H

Nick is playing the part of a turtle parent in the production and has parts in scene 6. His friends describe him as funny. He is 10 years old and enjoys fixing things and working out how things work.

Tom H

Tom is a friendly boy, aged 10, born in Melbourne. He is the mother turtle in the play. Some of his hobbies are: music, gaming and cricket. He is funny, kind and he looks for money everywhere. Tom has a bunch of thank yous to to his director, Ben, and his friends.

Sam K

Sam is a funny and playful actor. Sam is playing the part of Baby Milbi. Sam likes playing video games. Sam would like to thank Nick for all of his help during production.

Olivia C

Olivia is a kind and creative actress. Olivia is playing a turtle. She is also the assistant director for 4BM, being an invaluable asset to the team.

CROWS (scene 6)

Gracie W

Grace is in 4BM. She prefers to be called Gracie. She lives in Clifton Hill in Ramsdom street. She plays netball games every Saturday morning And does netball training on Friday nights every week. She does karate on Monday nights, she likes to draw and play footy. She is very happy to be in this school play.

Georgia R

Georgia is a funny entertainer and is great to have around the school production team. Her favourite sports are footy and netball. She would like to thank everyone who helped out with the production (especially the kind people who have worked hard to make the costumes).

Sammy G

Samuel G is a student in fourth grade at Clifton Hill Primary School. His friends think he is creative, athletic and funny. He loves footy and all other sports and in the production is Waa the Crow.

Max S

Max Slattery plays one of the crows he is funny. Some of his hobbies are cricket, gaming, football and soccer.

He gives his thanks to his friends and family Asher, Tommy, Arlo, Connor, Nate, grace, Sam, Lulu, Eleanor, Monty, mum and dad.

Francesca H

Francesca is in 4BM at Clifton Hill Primary School, and she plays the part of Waa the Crow in the school production. She likes soccer and acting, which fits with her interest in outdoor activities. Francesca loves making jokes, and her friends think she is kind and helpful. She would like to thank the people who organised the production.

Lauren C

Lauren is in 4BM and an understudy for all the main characters. She will also play Waa the Crow. Lauren is very excited to be doing this play and has enjoyed preparing for her role. Lauren loves reading and art.

Arlo B

Arlo is 9 years old and is in 4BM at Clifton Hill Primary School. His friends think he is funny, energetic, creative and honest. Arlo’s part in the production is Waa, the crow, which is an important totem in the Kulin Nation.

Oscar L

Oscar is 9 years old and is in 4BM at Clifton Hill Primary School. He is a funny, creative, boisterous child who loves video games, math, science and the outdoors. In the school play, Oscar plays Waa the Crow and has parts in scene 6, on night 2.

Kayhan S

Kayhan is playing a crow for production scene six. Kayhan's friends describe him as kind and smart, and they think he has good luck.

Kayhan's hobbies are Math, Reading, guitar and swimming. Kayhan is happy that his parents and friends support him.

Nate S

Nathaniel is 10 years old. He is in 4BM at Clifton hill Primary School. His role in the play is Waa the Crow with other students from 4BM.

Conor E

Conor is a funny, smart, and talented actor who loves playing video games. Conor would like to thank Ben, mum and dad for their help preparing for production.

Sadie M

Sadie is very good netballer. She is funny and kind, and she cares about other people

Tilda H

Tilly is a kind and creative actor. She likes reading Wings of Fire books. Tilly would like to thank Ben, her mum, and her dad for all of their help during production.

Musicians & Crows:

Ruel A

.Ruel (R, oo, e, l) is playing the part of Waa the Crow in the school production with 4BM. He is 10 years old and enjoys playing the piano. He has piano and singing parts in song 1 and in scene 6. Prior to the production, he had no acting experience. His friends describe him as honest and nice and his hobbies are piano and swimming.

Molly D

Molly Dileo is in 4BM. Molly is a musician, crow, and understudy for all of the animal speaking roles. She has done a fantastic job learning all of the lines. She loves playing the piano along with singing, dancing, drawing and other creative arts. Her friends think she is funny and kind and she appreciates their support in getting ready for this production.

Their journey

They start in Melbourne then go to the Flinders Ranges. They then go to Broome which is in Western Australia as you can see up on the map. After that they get to Tennant creek the bus brakes down so they walk to the gulf of Carpentaria and catch a boat and stop at Echo island. They then sail all the way to Fraser Island. They fly back to Melbourne on crows.

K'Gari (Fraser Island)

This is Fraser island were they drop off baby milbi (turtle) and fly back to Melbourne on the crows' backs.

Baby Milbis

This is a baby turtle like Milbi


When the Times are Tough

Magnus Johnson

I Really Want to Go Home

Sadie Maxwell

Stella Bradley

Lola Hughes