Scene 4 - Class 5SC

The scene begins with children on a bus, and then all of a sudden the bus stops. The kids soon realise that there’s a flat tyre! They want to fix it, but then Morgan gets carried away with jokes about kangaroos. Do you think they are going to fix the flat tyre? How are they going to continue the journey of returning the egg?


Morgan played by Winter

Hiiiiiiiii! I’m Winter, I play Morgan and I’m the best. I was chosen for Morgan because I am amazing and I deserve a better role than everyone else. I enjoy cross country running and made it to regionals this year. Cheese is my favourite food in the world.

Jessie played by Lola

Hi! I’m Lola, and I’m 10 years old. I love music, reading, writing, drawing, and making video games that work out of cardboard. I hope that you enjoy the school production; I play Jessie in the “Flat Tire” scene. I also perform the second song, 'Pillow and my Friends', which I wrote the melody to! Have a great time!

Charlie played by Harry

Hi I’m Harry, I’m 11 years old and love sport, food and sleeping. In the play I’m gonna be Charlie. I’m very excited about acting as him because he’s meant to be a trickster which I reckon suits me. I can’t wait!

Sam played by Sophie

Hi I am Sophie and I play Sam. I am 11 years old and I love footy and the ocean. Sam is a sporty character. I wanted to be Sam because she is sporty. I enjoyed all rehearsals. It was so fun.

Evan played by Nathan

Hi I’m Nathan, I’m 11 years old and I love soccer, video games and I love to sleep. I play Evan in the play and I’m excited to play my role. My character is naive and I can’t wait to do the play.

Alex played by Julia

Hey, I'm Julia. I'm 10. I like steak (it’s my favourite food) and I have a cat and a dog they are called Coco and Gigi. I am playing Alex and I’m really happy with my role because he gets to carry the sacred EGG!! He has a fabulous costume and he’s got really good lines.

School Children

School Child played by Lucie

Hi my name's Lucie. I’m 10 and I’m a background child. I’m the understudy for two of the main people, Morgan and Evan.

School Child played by Isaac

Hi, I'm Isaac. I play as a background child which only has one line sadly but here is some stuff about me

In Prep I was the gnome thing in Snow White and I was such an actor. I love soccer, and another thing I love is dogs.

School Child played by Georgia

Hi my name is Georgia. I play one of the students. I don't have any lines but I have enjoyed the process of rehearsing and performing.I hope you like the play and laugh a lot. Thank you.

School Child played by Maddie

Hi I'm Maddie and I play the background music on the piano for scene four.

I wanted to play the piano because I love music, and I wanted to be able to do it in front of a bigger audience. I have played piano in front of people, but I wanted to do it in front of different people, and I wanted to become braver by performing to a large audience. My song is called the Flat Tyre Song, which is a rap. The music includes piano and drums, and our song will be amazing!


Aherr #1 played by Sky

Hey! I’m Sky and my role is Aherr, (pronounced Ah-d-ah). I’m 11 years old and I love acting. Aherr is the lead kangaroo in an Alyawarre kangaroo group. I wished to be Aherr because it seemed like a challenging role, as he speaks Alyawarre language. I think that trying this character out really enhanced my acting skills. I hope you like the production!

Aherr #2 played by Henry

Hi, I'm Henry and I am 11 yrs old. I like playing sports, spending time with family and going on holiday. I chose the role of Aherr because I thought I would play the role really well and I wanted to learn some Aboriginal language because I thought it would be a challenge.

Kangaroo played by Jethro

Hi my name is Jethro and I like AFL and basketball. I chose the role of the kangaroo because I thought it was cool. Also the kangaroo role is pretty cool because you get to walk like a kangaroo and stand like a kangaroo.

Kangaroo played by Anna

Hi, I’m Anna. I’m 10, like sushi, books, cats, and I’m playing a kangaroo in Scene 4. I decided to be a kangaroo because I really like them and I think it’s a fun character to play. I also painted the first backdrop for my scene, and I’m pretty excited for the production as this is only the second one I’ve had.

Kangaroo played by Fynn H

Kangaroo played by Fox

I am Fox and I play a kangaroo. I chose this role because I was a kangaroo in my first play at Clifton Hill. I have one cat. Her name is mango and she is very wild.

Emu played by Will

Hi my name is Will and I am 11 years old. I love dirt bikes and 4WD. I chose to play an emu because they are strong.

Emu played by Melmo

Hi my name is Melmo and I am 10 years old. I play an emu in the play and I like it because I get to walk funny and I get to wear a hat with a beak and eyes. I also like soccer, playing card games, board games, mini golf and I have a cat called Milo and I like Star Wars.

Emu played by Scarlet

Hi! I’m Scarlet. I’m 11 years old and I play an emu. I found rehearsals really fun and I like rabbits, grilled cheese, baguettes and sleeping.

Emu played by Balthazar

Hi, I am Baz I am 10 years old. I love playing basketball and baseball. My favorite animal is the koala.


Flat Tyre Rap

Molly Jenny

Hector Labat

Elsa Cole

Starry Night

Hugh Ling

Noah Lakkis

Owen Walsh