English Lit

Use the links below to help you refresh your knowledge on Shakespeare's Macbeth and assist your exam revision

Wider Reading


  • How does Shakespeare create an atmosphere of evil?

  • Is Macbeth the plaything of a giant malevolence?

  • How sympathetic do we feel to Macbeth?

  • Why is the relatively uneducated Macbeth’s language so difficult?

  • Is Duncan a saintly king?

  • How good a man is Banquo?

  • How close is the Macbeths’ marriage?

  • What happens to the marriage?

  • Is Macduff this play’s real hero?

  • So what of the play’s final scene? Is it or isn’t it triumphal?

  • Is life a tale “told by an idiot/ Signifying nothing”?


‘If it Were Done’ soliloquy and Macbeth’s State of Mind

Student Exemplar: Macbeth's State of Mind

Macbeth and Power

Student Exemplar: Macbeth and Power

Theme of Ambition (extract with Macbeth and Lady Macbeth)

Student Exemplar: Ambition in Macbeth

‘Unsex me here’ and Female Power

Student Exemplar: Lady Macbeth as Powerful, by Matthew

Macbeth as Hero

Macbeth as Hero? Student Exemplar

Full Mark Response 2017

100% Full Marks Real Literature Exam Answer 3: 'Macbeth' (no spoilers!)

Macbeth and Lady Macbeth

Macbeth: Top Grades Made Easy Mr Salles

Shortcut to key documents:

Macbeth-character worksheets Mr Bruff.pdf