Year 11 Revision & Support

Positivity Resilience Responsibility Preparation Independence

Hello Year 11!

Welcome to the Cleeve Park Year 11 Revision & Support site.

Under each subject area there will be a breakdown of different revision areas containing various links to worksheets, knowledge guides, online videos etc.

Most tasks will have a suggested time limit against them - please try to stick to these so as not to overwhelm yourselves - short bursts of regular revision is much more effective than a last minute cramming session. There are some revision tips on the site as well.

If you need to speak to someone please email your subject leads or one of the SLT leads below - we are here to support you!

Your Year 11 Team:

  • Year 11 SLT Leads

      • Mrs Kowalczyk -

      • Mrs Dixon -

      • Mr Stone -

Quick Links to Revision Sites:

If you are having issues with your Google Account email for help