If your child will be absent from school for any reason, please send an email to camsattendance@classicalacademy.com to let us know. If your child misses any schoolwork due to an absence, please do not hesitate to contact your cohort teacher. They will be more than happy to provide you with the necessary materials and support to help your child catch up.  Giveaway Bianca

CLICK HERE for the 2024-2025 Academic Calendar

Hello Parents,

We ended Unit 5 with some awesome learning and fun! Students prepared for their Outsiders Mock Trial, created Industrial Era presentations, continued work on their “Game of Life” or ”Mesoamerica Problem Projects, and a highlight of the week…students creating hot air balloons and a spectacular balloon launch Friday morning. Students also enjoyed another round of dance lessons with Mrs. Howard, electives, and double WIN. 

In Unit 5 we have a couple of amazing community events you won’t want to miss! I look forward to seeing your family at one of the greatest community events in North County taking place tomorrow, Saturday, March 8, at CSUSM…Super STEM Saturday! CAMS teachers will be hosting 3 booths! Come find us and say hello!

Our student performers have been working hard preparing for our Spring Musical, Shrek, Jr.. Be sure to buy your tickets soon. I guarantee this is a show you do not want to miss! Performances are April 3rd-6th at the California Center for the Art Escondido. Ticket information is below!

We do not have office hours on Monday due to optional Conferences. If you have not done so yet, please initial your LP4 Reading Logs!

In partnership,

Mrs. Morrow, Principal

Student Safety

Student safety is our #1 priority. With safety in mind, here are a few reminders for keeping kids safe at morning drop off and after school pick up.

Thank you for keeping kids safe!

Dance Lessons

Dance Lessons are coming! In preparation for our ASB Dance on April 10, Mrs. Howard, Musical Theater teacher, will teach all students group line dances. Students will learn The Cupid Shuffle, Footloose, and More! Students and teachers will walk to a dance studio at the CCAE for lessons. We have provided dance lessons every year and it is a highlight for our students!

Dance lessons will be on the following dates and take place during the students’ Flex period:

Students will walk to the dance studio at the CCAE and be accompanied by at least 3 adults. It is approximately a 5 minute walk from CAMS.

If you do not wish for your child to walk to the dance studio or participate in dance lessons, contact the front office. Students who are not participating will remain on campus for quiet study.

Super STEM

Super STEM Saturday is a free, educational community event hosted in partnership with California State University San Marcos (CSUSM). Children of all ages can discover science, re-imagine technology, create engineering, and explore math. 

For More information see the attached flyer or visit the link below

Super STEM Saturday

STEM Flyer Offical.pdf

Charter School Appreciation Night 

Family, friends, and charter school supporters are invited to join The Classical Academies at Petco Park to celebrate Charter School Appreciation Night on Wednesday, May 14, 2025! Discounted tickets start at just $28.00 each and can be ordered online here: TCA @ Padres 2025

The first 40,000 fans will receive a reversible retro bucket hat, so arrive early to grab yours! The game starts at 6:40 PM, and tickets will be sent electronically to the email address you provide for easy printing at home. This event is expected to sell out, so be sure to get your tickets early. The final day to pre-order is May 1, 2025.

If you have any questions, please contact Sejal Majithia at smajithia@classicalacademy.com

2025 Charter School Flyer - Classical Academies.pdf

Shrek the Musical

Tickets for Shrek the Musical will go on sale to the general public on Wednesday, February 26th! 

It's a "big bright beautiful world" as everyone's favorite ogre, Shrek, leads a cast of fairytale misfits on an adventure to rescue a princess and find true acceptance. Shrek JR. is an irreverently fun show with a powerful message for the whole family. With dazzling sets, whimsical puppetry, high-energy dance numbers, and laughs by the minute, Shrek the Musical transforms the contemporary children’s book and popular animated feature film into a stage musical that is sure to entertain and make audiences believers in happy endings for all.

Performances are April 3rd-6th at the California Center for the Art Escondido, $18

Purchase tickets here

shrek 2025 5x8 flyer.pdf

Fall East Coast Trip

Attention Current 7th Grade Families

We Are Already Half Way Filled To the Waitlist!

Registrations have been coming in fast and we are closing in on the dreaded waitlist! If you know you are going on the trip, it's a great time to secure your spot now and you don't need to wait for my parent meeting to sign up  


All flights, hotels, motorcoach transport, admission to sites, most meals, and dedicated tour guides are all included!

Ready to Register?: See link and attachment below OR check out our East Coast Trip Website!

Next Two Weeks: I will be giving a brief presentation of this opportunity to all 7th graders during their History period.

Friday, March 7th:  Parent Info Zoom call with Mr. Powell at 10am.  Zoom Call Link

Frequently Asked Questions Website:  I have also created the linked website to answer a lot of your questions and help you navigate this process.  

East Coast Trip FAQ Website

If you have further questions specific to your situation, I love talking about this trip so please do not hesitate to contact me either by phone 760-520-6800 or email tpowell@classicalacademy.com

T255009A E PRH.pdf

Yearbook Ads/Price Increase

Don't Miss Out! 

Capture the memories that last a lifetime! Yearbooks are on sale now for $50 Purchase in the front office. 

Want to make it extra special? Celebrate your student with a personalized ad in the yearbook! Share their achievements, milestones, or a heartfelt message. Student ads are on sale now—space is limited, so purchase yours today! Ad prices increased on January 31st. 

Directions to purchase your student ad are in the attached flyer. Don’t wait— secure your piece of the school year before it's too late! 

Click HERE to Purchase an ad

Yearbook student ad flyer 2425.pdf

Volunteer Opportunities

Are you interested in volunteering at CAMS? This is a great opportunity to connect with other parents, check out our amazing campus, and make an impact on our CAMS community. 

We will have several opportunities throughout the year, click the link below to find out more!

Current Volunteer Opportunities 

CAMS offers several school sponsored activities that students can sign up to participate in. If you would like to learn more about these activities check out the linked spreadsheet for meeting dates, locations, and contact information.

CAMS Sports

For sports Schedule and updates, please check out our CAMS Sports Page

Weekly Events & School Info

Each week, we are recognizing students who go ABOVE and BEYOND in demonstrating one of the 8 Keys of Excellence. Students who are recognized as going above and beyond get to put a star up on our Above & Beyond wall, and get to be celebrated in front of the whole school during morning announcements. We want to develop a school culture where students are kind, determined, have a growth mindset, have integrity, help others, speak with good purpose, take ownership, make the most of opportunities, etc., so we want to celebrate students when we see them doing those things.

Bianca: Key of Commitment

Bianca is an exemplary student who consistently demonstrates the keys of commitment, integrity and speaking with good purpose. Bianca is committed to excellence in everything she does. She articulates ideas clearly, but also listens attentively, ensuring that her work and contributions are both meaningful and impactful. 

- Ms. Lopez

Bianca: Habit/Key of Ownership

Bianca consistently arrives to class fully prepared and demonstrates a strong commitment to learning. She prioritizes her academic responsibilities and effectively advocates for herself when needed.

- Mrs. Schrader

Each week we will be highlighting a different class/staff member to learn more about the classes happening here at CAMS. This week we are taking a look at Mrs. Schaller's Flex Class!

Mrs. Schaller's Flex Class

In Flex each day is a little different.  Some days students have Student Directed Learning (SDL).  Other days we working study habits and practice in reading, science and ELA. Each unit we do a projects.  The current project is a College/ Career Project that students dream, explore and plan for their own future.

A little about Mrs. Schaller

I have been teaching at  CAMS over 10 years. This year I am a Flex teacher and 504 / SST Coordinator. Previously I was 8th grade History teacher. Attend concerns, travel, play with my dogs.

A note from Mrs. Schaller...

Flex is a new course that stands for SelF-direction, Learning, Empowerment, and eXcellence. I love teaching this class because it allows me to spend individualized time with students, helping them grow and succeed in their unique learning journeys. Since Flex is a new course, I’m excited to shape its structure, creating engaging and innovative projects that inspire creativity and critical thinking.

Q & A with the students...




What do you like about Mrs. Schaller?

Genesis:  She is super enthusiastic even first thing in the morning, she is always ready to teach us. She also makes sure that we understand things, she explains them very well. 

Carter: She does a pretty good job of explaining stuff and she always goes back to help us when we need help which i think is a good quality for a teacher. 

Ariana: I like how she jokes here and there and lightens up the mood in class. She is very patient with us and she just really makes the learning environment a good one.  

What do you like about Flex?

Genesis:  I really like that Tuesday are SDL days, it is helpful because it gives us time to get stuff done. I also like that in class we learn life skills for the future. 

Carter: I like that flex helps to set us up for the future, it teaches us things we will need so that we have a good idea of what to expect in the future. 

Ariana: I like that we are able to catch up on schoolwork and homework in class during SDL. It is very helpful. 

What is something that you have learned in this class?

Genesis:  Right now in class we are learning about calculating taxes and stuff, we are also learning about gross income and salaries. It is nice to learn about stuff that we will be using later in life. 

Carter: I have learned that it is important to look ahead and be prepared. 

Ariana: We are learning about income, budgeting and things like that right now. It has helped to teach me how important it is to save money and prepare myself for the future. 

School Info & Resources

Helpful Info For  2024-2025 (Click for more info)

Hello Badger Parents! We know we shared a lot of information this week. In case you missed it, here are several links to resources shared at our various meetings. 

Math Helpline (click for more info)

Math Helpline for 4th-8th Grade Students

The Classical Academies will be offering live online math help for students and parents! Come and work on current, recent, and approaching lessons with Ms.Aguilar!

The Helpline will be available on the following days and times:

Monday-Friday 8:00 AM-12:00 PM &  1:00-3:00 PM

Join by checking your Schoology math course or tcalearn.com/mathhelpline

Permission To Walk Off Campus (click for more info)

Is your student going to be walking off campus after school? If so they must have a permission to walk/bike off campus form filled out and turned into the front office. The form can be found HERE

Back to School Flyer in Green Red and White Doodle Style (6 × 4 in).jpg

Parent Training (click for more info)

Need help with schoology? Sign up for 1:1 support with our Program Coordinator Chrissy Klein. 

Click HERE to sign up

See attached flyer for more information. 

Cell Phone Policy (click for more info)

Hello Awesome CAMS Parents!

One of the things I have most appreciated about CAMS as a parent, teacher, and administrator, is the commitment to having students engaged in class and with each other during breaks instead of their cell phones!  Yes these devices can serve as excellent vehicles  for communication and learning, however especially in the junior high setting, they often prove far more distracting and problematic on many levels.

The expectation for students is:

If you need to get in touch with your student, please call our front office at 760-520-6800.  We are very happy to deliver a message, have them come to the office to talk, etc.

If your student does not keep to this policy we will begin the following process:

Again, thank you for your support on this important piece of our school culture of student learning, focus, safety, and engagement!

Mr. Powell

Medication Policy for 2024/2025 school year (click for more info)

If your student will require medication at school, at any time during the year, please print the required medication form here and turn it into the front office. We are not able to administer any medication (prescription or over-the-counter), without a doctor's signature, and the medication must be in the original container. Additionally, if your student will be carrying medication, you still need to fill out the medication form, have it signed my a doctor, and your student also needs to fill out the self-carry medication form. If your student requires an EPI PEN to be used on campus the following form must be filled out and returned to campus. This will better allow us to assist your student with possible reactions and side effects of your students allergies and gives us an action plan to care for your student properly. 

Please note: We cannot accept any medication form for the 2023-2024 school year if it is dated before July 1, 2024.  All forms must be signed & dated by your doctor after this date to be active for the school year.

CLICK HERE to read the medication policy TCA schools put into effect for the 2024-2025 school year.

School Meal Program (click for more info)

The Classical Academies is pleased to offer every student one free breakfast meal kit, and one free lunch meal kit each workshop day they are on campus. Both meals must be pre-ordered through the forms linked below and are available for pick up at the Snack Shack.

When students are on campus during a breakfast or lunch period, they will be able to choose from the available pre-packaged breakfast kit or pre-packaged lunch kit at the scheduled appropriate meal time. Breakfast is scheduled during the morning break from 10:00-10:10 and lunch is scheduled from 12:25-12:40.

Each pre-packaged breakfast kit includes breakfast cereal, dried fruit, unsweetened regular applesauce, graham crackers, and low-fat milk. Each pre-packaged lunch kit includes an entree like chicken salad, Wow Butter cup, or hummus, along with sides like sunflower kernels, cheese stick, or soy nuts. It also includes unsweetened regular or flavored applesauce or dried fruit, a vegetable juice blend, crackers/chips, and low-fat milk.

Our meal program is available to all students, regardless of eligibility status, who are on campus longer than two hours for an educational purpose. All kits must be pre-ordered online.  A link to the order form is available below.

Questions? Speak to your school’s front office or email us at meals@classicalacademy.com.

Use this link to order your student’s breakfast kit: Breakfast Kit Order Form

Use this link to order your student’s lunch kit: Lunch Kit Order Form

Hey Badger Families!,


For the month of March, our campaign focus will be about self-care: sharing with students the importance of mental health and taking care of oneself, both mentally and physically. Through WIN time offerings and ASB advertising, we will be informing our students about maintaining a healthy life balance and various ways to practice self-care. We hope to provide our students with tools to better take care of themselves, and feel well-balanced in the different areas of their lives. 

Below is an infographic with 6 key ways to practice self-care. These topics can be easily dismissed and forgotten, which is why we all need this reminder to put into practice! I hope this information is valuable to your family, as self-care is important for all of us to practice, in order to care for our mind, body and soul.

For additional resources on self-care, please send me an email!

Alissa Atkins School Counselor 



If you would like to refer your child for counseling, please fill out and submit my referral form!

CAMS Counseling Referral Form

Need A Break?

Sometimes life can be challenging and stressful. This Virtual Calm Room was created to serve as a break and to help you find new ways to identify & manage strong emotions and build your resilience. These resources will hopefully allow you to reset back to a calm state of mind and body. 

Virtual Calm Room

Ideas to Practice Self Care.pdf
Classical Academies AB 748 Compliance Poster (1) (1).pdf

CAMS Carpool

Are you looking to set up a carpool for your student?  Fill out this form and we will post contact information here for you to connect with other parents. Your information will be shared here for the duration of the school year. If you would like your information to be removed from the Buzz please contact the front office. 

Carpool Contact List (click for more info)

Parent Name: Betsy Chance/Server

Parent Email: bchance@solarturbines.com

Location: Rancho Bernardo

Parent Name: Erin Smith

Parent Email: eer73@hotmail.com

Location: SantaLuz / near intersection of Camino Del Sur and Carmel Valley Road

Parent Name: Daria Gurevich

Parent Email: d86inbox@gmail.com

Location: Merge 56, near 56 and Camino Del Sur

Parent Name: Marie Aquino

Parent Email: marieagapepa@gmail.com

Location: Historic Escondido right by the school

Parent Name: Crystal Anderson

Parent Email: Faust.c1212@gmail.com

Location: Camino del Sur/Carmel Valley Road 

Parent Name: Sophie Muller

Parent Email: Smuller@nubeware.com

Location: San Marcos Discovery Lake area 

Parent Name: Julie Laux

Parent Email: julielauxspeech@gmail.com

Location: Rancho Penasquitos (15 and 56 freeways) 

Parent Name: Betsy Chance

Parent Email: bchance@solarturbines.com

Location: Rancho Bernardo near RanchoBernardo Road and Pomerado

Parent Name: Marina Shkolnik

Parent Email: marina@dbandimere.com

Location: North Poway 

Parent Name: Jennifer Simond

Parent Email: jenbaurer@yahoo.com

Location: Olivenhain - East side of Encinitas  

*The information in this section is provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only. It is independent of Classical Academy Middle School and is not affiliated with, sponsored or endorsed by The Classical Academies. Please contact the service provider directly with all questions or concerns. *

Musical Theater Camp

Are you interested in Musical Theater? Check out the Musical Theater Camp that is being hosted at TCA Bear Valley.

June 23rd to June 27th, 2025

9am to 2pm

Grades 2nd to 8th 

Cost:  $210 per student

($10 discount for siblings)

Space is limited, click here to sign up! See attached flyer for more information. 

Questions? Contact lorigrimes@gmail.com

MT CAMP AD 2025.pdf

FCA Meetings

FCA meetings will be starting on September 24th from 3:15pm to 4:15pm at CAMS.  There will be food, activities, and fun.  

Meetings will be on the following Tuesdays afterschool 3/4, 3/18, 4/1, 4/22, 5/6, 5/20.

If you have any questions, please contact Janel Barcelon (760) 419-8337 or Devon Mitchell (760) 521-0536

Boxing Classes

Are your kids homeschooled? There is a new class opportunity at LVLZ Boxing Gym which is located at 1342 E. Mission Rd. San Marcos CA. 92069.

We are considering offering a small group class for kids 6-12. This class would be designed for homeschooled kids and would run 2-3 times a week in the morning for a duration of 45-60 minutes.

If your child is homeschooled or if you have a homeschool pod that you would like to get involved in this program please let us know. The groups would be small (8-12 kids) to ensure personalized attention and a great learning environment. We also have after school programming for all youth and adults as well. Reach out to Coach Rolly @ (760) 445-1994 if you have an interest in learning more or coming in to try out a free class.

 Free Online Homework Help from the California State Library

The California State Library recently announced a free online tutoring service for CA K-12 students. Live, real-time homework assistance is available 24 hours a day by laptop, tablet, or phone from qualified virtual tutors using state curriculum and standards.

To get started, tap here to open the website. Then follow the steps in the drop down below:

Click for Online Homework Help instructions:

On the first screen:  

Next screen: 

Now, choose “Live Tutoring.” 

Choose grade level and subject area.

The actual tutoring screen will look like this.

Free Transit Passes For Students

Free Transit Passes for Students - Unlimited Rides on Bus, Trolley, COASTER & SPRINTER

SANDAG's Youth Opportunity Transit Pass allows anyone 18 and under to ride San Diego transit (bus, trolley, Coaster, and Sprinter) for free. There are several ways children and families can take advantage of this opportunity, such as using their existing online bus pass or getting a hard copy card through SANDAG.

In order to take advantage of the free pass, riders must have a Youth PRONTO app account or card. Riders who do not have a Youth PRONTO pass may either download one on a smartphone or pick up a free card from the MTS Transit Store, NCTD Customer Service Centers or select community organizations. For more information, visit the SANDAG website.

Comments, Suggestions, Great Ideas….

Do you have a comment, suggestion, idea to share? We have a special email address just for you, comments@classicalacademy.com. Your partnership is valued. Your ideas strengthen our programs. We look forward to hearing from you soon.