Concept Webs

Description: Lucidchart is a website that allows the user to create flow charts, mind maps, scale floor models and so much more. This software would be best suited for secondary students or younger students with advanced tech skills. The photo on the left only shows one example of the many layout possibilities. The site also provides easy to use templates for the user to edit and allows for collaboration.

Compatible Devices: Chrome browser and iPads (Use Lucidchart App)

Export Options: On Chromebook; Google Drive, PDF, PNG, Visio, or Web link. On iPad; share the PDF to Google Drive, Google Classsroom, Seesaw, E-mail or iBooks.

Description: Popplet is a website and an app that allows the user to create a concept web. Pictures, and links can be added as well as collaborators. Users can also add their own hand drawn images right into the Popplet map. This software is suitable for students K - 12 and the free version is all you really need.

Compatible Devices: Chrome browser and iPad (Use Popplet lite app)

Export Options: Save to camera roll and then share it to Google Drive, Google Classroom, Seesaw, Book Creator, E-mail or PDF in iBook

Description: Simple Mind is a website or an app that allows the user to create a concept web. The user can color code the bubbles and easily move them around when mapping out an idea. The free version has a lot of great features and is usually all that you need. Finished products can be downloaded as a PDF and uploaded to Google Drive or Seesaw.

Compatible Devices: iPad only (Use SimpleMind+ app)

Export Options: Using the free version users can only take a screenshot and save the map into the camera roll. From there it can be shared to Google Drive, Google Classroom, Seesaw, Book Creator, E-mail or PDF iBook