Expectations and Grading policy
Each student will be evaluated on their own artistic progress. Both formative and summative grades will be taken.
Assignments to check for understanding such as warm up activities, quick comprehension checks, planning and practice, sketches, investigation and exit tickets.
Assessments that measure students' mastery of learned content in the form of final art projects, quizzes and tests.
*Students may retake/ make up an assignment at any time during the quarter. Multiple opportunities for demonstration of essential learing goals are available throughout the year.
Students will be provided synchronous and asynchronous learing opportunities via Google Classroom. All assignments for each upcoming week will be available by Friday at 3:30. Students will have the opportunity to participate in Google Meets with their teacher 2-3 times per week.
When CCPS transitions to an in- person model, students will continue learning in a classroom setting. When deemed appropriate by CCPS, students may transition to safe learning within the art room. Students will be expected to bring their art supplies with them to class.