Hoop Glider Challenge

Build a hoop glider that will fly far.

Watch SR Librarian Mr. Henderson explain the challenge and how to make a hoop glider of your own or follow the directions below.


Check out a hoop glider in action.

Supplies: Paper, Straw, Tape, Scissors, Tape Measure or Ruler


1.Make two hoops. The back hoop should be about twice as big as the front hoop. Cut two strips about 1 inch wide each. One length of paper is half the length of the other. Tape each length of paper into a hoop.

2.Attach hoops to both ends of straw with tape. Make sure both hoops are on the same side of the straw. The straw should be inside each hoop.

3.That's it! Now hold the glider in the middle with the hoops on top and give it a throw.

4.Measure your best throw in feet and enter your distance on the doc below by clicking HERE. Then come back and refresh this page. Your findings are now added to the recording sheet below.

5.Make it better! Experiment with hoop size and width. Try different types of paper. Move the position of the hoops or find a different size straw.

Hoop Glider Record Sheet