Jobs & Careers: Throughout life you will apply for jobs and establish a “Career.” A job may be an entry level fast food service job, a carpenter, or engineer. However, a Career is what you do as a long term profession that you gain additional training and/or education to become an expert or journeyman in your field. Below are some links to help you write a resume, learn interview skills, and dress for success in the job search process. In addition are links to military options and careers at PSNS.

What is a job?

A job is work you perform to earn money to support your basic needs. It can be full-time or part-time and may be short-term. You might earn an hourly wage or a set paycheck rather than a salary with benefits. You might need to learn certain skills connected with that role, but not all jobs require a specialized degree or advanced training.

What is a career?

A career is a long-term professional journey you may determine based on your passions. It is the path you embark upon to fulfill your professional goals and ambitions. You may require a certain level of education or training to achieve these goals. Individuals pursuing careers often have set salaries with benefits such as stock options, retirement plans, pensions and bonuses. They also gain benefits beyond money, such as personal pride, work satisfaction and self-worth.

How does a job affect your career?

You will likely hold many jobs throughout your career, even if you don’t have a set career path in mind when you first join the workforce. It may be helpful to consider every position you fill as a step in your life’s work. Your job can affect your career in these ways:

  • Jobs make up your career.

  • You learn from each job.

  • Jobs provide you with networking opportunities.