History of the Akron Chapter

"We are blessed because our members, their families and friends continue to support us as we serve the children in need in our community." -Kaye Rowe, CCSA President (2017-2019)

The first Christ Child Society in Akron was established in 1911 to assist in increasing foreign population. A Christ Child Sewing School was formed and 54 children were enrolled. Prayers, hymns and bible stories were also taught. In addition, infant clothing was distributed through the visiting nurses. Handmade garments were sent to St. Ann's Infant Home in Cleveland, which cared for many of Akron's babies.

In 1917, the Akron chapter reported that its member had suspended their work with children due to World War I. Christ Child members volunteered at the Red Cross.

In 1956, Nancy Flanagan, from the Milwaukee chapter, brought the necessary knowledge and enthusiasm to renew the work of Christ Child in Akron. Through the kindness of Florence Devine, now deceased and an honorary member, the Cleveland Chapter was contract for help in forming the Akron Chapter.

The first meeting of this present chapter was held on December 7, 1956, with a membership of 8 and Nancy Flanagan presiding. The first constitution and bylaws were adopted in 1957 and in 1958, the Akron Chapter received its charter at the National Convention.

In 2019 the Christ Child Society of Akron has over 300 members and continues to serve the children of the community through a variety of service projects, fundraisers and projects.

The Karen Beck Center

The Karen Beck Christ Child Center was dedicated on June 15, 2010. The Beck Family foundation, honoring a request from the late Karen Beck, our friend, member and past president, purchased a building for our use.

Today the Center is a home for our warehouse providing work space for meetings and workshops.