Steven Simmons, PhD

Medical Science Liaison, Alkermes

Steve is currently a medical science liaison (MSL) with Alkermes supporting 3 FDA-approved psychiatry medications within & around upstate NY. Prior to joining Alkermes in November 2020, Steve enjoyed a 10-year research career studying the neurobiology of drug use & relapse using rodent models. During this time, Steve pursued applying for training grants (T32s, F31/32) & assisted with R-grants for the labs he was a member of. Steve has an upbeat, go-getter attitude through which challenges are looked at as growth opportunities. He is focused on excelling in his current role & has a longer-term plan to move into a forward-looking medical strategy role at his current company.


Areas of Support

  • Preparing for the next step with mentee's career

  • Advising on the job search

  • Managing time and competing priorities

  • Learning how to network

  • Improving organizational skills

  • Navigating politics in the workplace

  • Practicing self-advocacy

  • Practicing work/life balance or work/life integration

  • Holding mentee accountable to deadlines / commitments

Mentoring Style

  • Challenger: This type of mentor pushes mentees, asks hard questions, plays devil’s advocate and makes sure mentees are really focused on their end goal. They are supportive but more firm than other mentoring styles.

  • Cheerleader: This type of mentor cheers on mentees and notices their progress. If a mentee makes a mistake, the cheerleader focuses on how the mistake will help the mentee grow.

About Me

Upbeat personality, academia-to-industry transplant, lover of all-things-Disney