Lyndsay Avery, PhD

Assistant Professor of Biology, St. Michael's College

Lyndsay is an Assistant Professor of Biology at a primarily undergraduate institution (PUI) in Vermont. She is originally from upstate NY where she completed her bachelor’s degree. She completed her PhD at University of Pittsburgh in 2018 and her postdoc at CHOP in 2021. She has always had a passion for teaching and research. Hiking, camping, and enjoying time outside with her family are some of the things Lyndsay likes to do outside of work.


Areas of Support

  • Preparing for the next step with mentee's career

  • Advising on the job search

  • Improving teaching

  • Increasing cultural competency

  • Practicing self-advocacy

  • Practicing work/life balance or work/life integration

  • Holding mentee accountable to deadlines / commitments

Mentoring Style

  • Cheerleader: This type of mentor cheers on mentees and notices their progress. If a mentee makes a mistake, the cheerleader focuses on how the mistake will help the mentee grow.

  • Educator: The educator will take the time to train mentees and help them to learn and develop. This type of mentor stays positive but still pushes mentees to excel.

About Me

A member of the LGBTQ community, a first-gen college student, still figuring it out! I am always trying to grow, so I hope they are too.