Suraiya Haroon, PhD

Research Assistant Professor, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Suraiya Haroon obtained her B.A. in Cell and Molecular Biology from the University of California, Berkeley and her PhD in Genetics from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, where she studied cellular stress and aging. During her postdoctoral fellowship with Dr. Marc Vermulst, she developed a novel animal model to study mitochondrial DNA mutations and its effect on aging and disease. She continued her fellowship with Dr. Marni J. Falk to expand her understanding of mitochondrial disease in a translational setting. Recently, she has joined the faculty at the University of Pennsylvania as a Research Assistant Professor to conduct research on mitochondrial DNA homeostasis as it relates to childhood mitochondrial disease in the department of Human Genetics at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.



Areas of Support

  • Improving mentoring skills

  • Managing time and competing priorities

  • Learning how to network

  • Improving organizational skills

  • Increasing cultural competency

  • Developing negotiation skills

  • Growing in effective communication

  • Adjusting to new cultural space (either coming into the northeast for the first time or living in the USA for the first time)

  • Specifically address concerns that arise amongst international fellows

Mentoring Style

  • Educator: The educator will take the time to train mentees and help them to learn and develop. This type of mentor stays positive but still pushes mentees to excel.

  • Ideator: The ideator is a mentor that helps mentees brainstorm and think big. This mentoring style focuses on thinking, planning, and dreaming.

About Me

Outside of research, I enjoy a healthy social life. I enjoy going to art museums, listening to live music and dining at some amazing places in Philadelphia.