Grade 4

Students enter fourth grade able to add and subtract large numbers using traditional strategies ("carrying/borrowing") along with mental math strategies. Students will continue to practice addition and subtraction of large numbers in fourth grade. Students will also have multiple strategies for multiplication and division. See the link below for examples of strategies for multiplication and division. The goal is for students to develop computational fluency, learning a variety of strategies to use to solve problems. Students will look at the numbers involved in the problem and will then decide on a method that best fits the situation.

Students should know all of their multiplication facts up through 10 x 10 before entering fourth grade. If they don’t, this is the area they will need to work on. Strategies for learning their facts include playing games that use two dice, playing card games, using flash cards, and websites. Students will begin to learn their multiplication and related division facts throughout fourth grade and beyond. Knowing these facts is crucial to future success in mathematics. Check out the Math Games Videos and the Online Games & Apps below for ideas!