How Climate Change Can Affect Our Future

About Us!

By Meredith

We are a 4th grade class is from Sierra View and we live in Chico, California. We have been researching climate change and found out our water might be in danger so we need to save it. We worked hard to reduce climate change to save our water.

Check out our portfolio!

Our Goal

By, Harper

Our goal is to protect Butte County's water supply from climate change.

Our Guiding Questions

By, Cora

  1. What causes climate change and how do we help reduce it?
  2. What are the watersheds of Butte County?
  3. How will climate change affect our water in Butte County?
  4. What happens if we don't reduce climate change?
  5. How do we protect our watersheds from climate change?

Our Plan

By, Meredith and Luca

  1. Research climate change, how to reduce it, and Butte County's watersheds.
  2. Make action committees for:
      • water conservation
      • recycling
      • reusable items
      • energy conservation
  3. Each committee comes up with actions to educate people on how to reduce climate change which will save some of our watersheds.
  4. Take action!
  5. Reach out to our school and community
  6. Look at the data and see if we made a difference