Math Info

Math Curriculum Note

While much of what we use for math at CHESS comes from BJU press, we know that curriculum is much more than just a textbook, and we're committed to making use of a variety of resources and platforms that will meet the diverse needs of our students. 

Learn more about the tools we're using to nurture 21st-century skills in our students - and keep reading to discover the tips and tools to help your students be successful in math at CHESS! 

3rd and 4th Grade

3rd and 4th grade students are exploring the world of Beast Academy this year, adding digital games and activities designed to boost creative problem-solving skills! Beast Academy is NOT just for gifted students! With access to all five levels and the ability to connect with the level that works best, any student can benefit from the fun challenges available on this program. 

Students in these grades are just now diving into this program, and only as an at-home supplement to their primary math curriculum. Stay tuned for suggestions about how to make the most of it in developing or reinforcing skills at home! In the meantime, you can email Mrs. Meester at with any questions. 

Middle School

Students in 5th grade through PreAlgebra enjoy collaborative learning experiences with Mrs. Tate, working through examples and practice problems in class. At home, students work through homework in packets from the activity manuals or from supplemental resources aligned with the BJU scope and sequence (no textbooks this year, to better serve the students in our hybrid model). 

In addition, students often use Khan Academy videos and assignments to reinforce concepts taught in class. 

Tips for success in middle school math:

High School

Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Geometry, and Statistics utilize the Delta Math and Math Medic platforms to develop strong mathematical understanding and to boost flexible problem solving skills. Both are aligned with the same rigorous standards that comprise the BJU high school math curriculum, which still serves to provide the biblical integration in our math program, and the Ohio Learning Standards for Mathematics. 

Delta Math allows Mrs. Cargill to create targeted assignments to reinforce what students are learning in the classroom.

Tips for success in high school math classes

Math Medic is designed around the "experience first, formalize later" approach, which "encourages students to build strong math identities and take an active part in mathematical sense-making."

Bonus: Textbook Free?

A few reasons we don't use textbooks in high school math!