Make Use of Netiquette

Netiquette is how to use good manners in online communication.  Be courteous and respectful.  Use appropriate lingo - there's a time for text-talk and there is a time for practicing proper grammar skills.

Discussion: Why is it important to learn proper communication skills now? Is school considered a professional environment? How will you utilize these skills in the future? 

  Tips for communicating in a professional environment: 

Best Practices for Virtual Meetings (Zoom and Google Meet) 

Virtual meeting etiquette is more important than ever. Students are attending virtual school meetings, businesses are conducting online meetings, and employers are hosting virtual interviews. Understanding virtual meeting etiquette is imperative to success. Students must be taught the skills needed to succeed in a virtual world. 

RULES for Virtual School/Meetings

Netiquette Grade Level Activities: 

Discussion: What is netiquette? Why should you pause and think online? Remember to pause, think, and always be kind online

Discussion:  Online miscommunication frequently occurs. What are a few netiquette rules to follow when communicating with others online (especially on social media)? 

Discussion: Is your phone or device distracting you from spending quality time with your family and friends? What are some rules you can follow to improve your digital etiquette and show respect both in school and at home? 


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