Preparing to Return

What Do I Need to Get Ready?

  • Obtain at least 3 face coverings for school use. Practice wearing face covering and building endurance.

  • Reusable water bottle. We are going to turn off water fountains in the school buildings, so we are asking students to come to school with their own water bottle (already filled).

  • Buy hand sanitizer (alcohol-based, no methanol) that your child can bring to school.

  • Buy sanitizing wipes if you would like your child to have their own supply.

  • Make sure you have a working thermometer.

  • Obtain regular school supplies in advance to account for inventory shortages or delivery delays. Students who purchased 1st Day of School Supply kits will receive these on the 1st Day of School.

  • Set Up work spaces at home for afternoon remote virtual instruction.

  • For families with multiple children, test internet connections for ability to support google meet sessions with all students online simultaneously.

Travel to Another State

  • If you have plans to travel to a state with elevated COVID-19 levels you will be required to follow quarantine for 14 days . List of restricted states is here.

  • Please contact your building Principal if your child will be returning from a state with elevated COVID-19 levels after August 16 for instructions on beginning the school year remotely. Students will not permitted to start school in person on August 31 if you are returning after August 16. Students will be allowed to return in person after they have quarantined according to state guidelines and have fulfilled return to school protocols.

What are teachers doing to get ready?

  • Supervisors and teachers have been working throughout the summer to hone remote learning plans.

  • Remote learning instructional and technology resources have been evaluated and adjusted where appropriate.

  • Professional Development time scheduled for the fall has been shifted to the summer.

  • Professional Development has been focused on enhancing virtual instruction teaching methods and technology related skills.

  • Teachers have access to their reconfigured classrooms to acclimate themselves to the new learning environment before school starts.

  • Building Principals are working with with all staff to develop and implement social and emotional learning supports to help students navigate the new learning environment.