COVID-19 Health Protocols

Individuals with suspected or known COVID-19 should stay home until at least 10 days have passed since symptom onset and at least 24 hours have passed after resolution of fever without fever reducing medications and improvement in symptoms. Persons who test positive for COVID-19, but who are asymptomatic should stay home for 10 days from the positive test result.

Signs and Symptoms


Signs and symptoms of COVID-19 in children may be similar to those of common viral respiratory infections or other childhood illnesses. The overlap between COVID-19 symptoms and other common illnesses means that many people with symptoms may actually be ill with something else. This is even more likely in young children, who typically have multiple viral illnesses each year. Individuals with COVID-19 have had a wide range of symptoms reported – ranging from mild to severe illness. There is not a single symptom that is uniquely predictive of a COVID-19 diagnosis. A COVID19 viral test is needed to confirm if someone has a current infection.

Symptoms typically appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus and include the following:

Section A

Fever (measure or subjective),


Rigors (shivers)

Myalgia (muscle aches)


Sore throat






Runny nose; OR

Section B


Shortness of Breath

Difficulty Breathing

New Olfactory Disorder

New Taste Disorder

Protocols for Illness and COVID-19 Symptoms

Before Reporting to School

  • COVID-19 Daily Screening Form must be completed

  • Students that exhibit 2 or more symptoms from Section A , or at least one symptom from Section B should keep all children of the same household home and notify the school nurse for further instructions.

  • Students meeting the criteria for close contact/potential exposure should not report to school and should follow isolation and quarantine timelines and protocols before returning to school.

Protocols if Student Becomes Ill at School

  • PPE equipment has been secured for our nursing staff so that they may effectively and safely manage students who might have COVID-19.

  • Nurses offices are configured so that students with symptoms consistent with COVID-19 will be in an isolation area until they are assessed by a School Nurse. Students’ parent(s)/guardian(s) will be notified upon completion of the nurse’s assessment.

  • Nursing and building staff will follow isolation, discharge and return to school protocols based on guidance from the NJ DOH. Students will be isolated and parents will be contacted immediately if student has been in close contact/potential exposure; exhibits 2 or more symptoms from Section A and/or at least one symptom from Section B.

Parents/guardians must be interviewed by school nurse or designated person for clearance to return to school and any required documentation must be submitted before the student will be allow to return.

Protocols for Staff

  • If Staff develops symptoms they will remain physically distant from all students until coverage arrives. Once coverage is secured the staff member will go to the designated isolation area or go directly home if advised by supervisor or building principal.

  • Anyone sent home with COVID-19 symptoms will should consult a health care provider.

  • Staff will follow Return to School protocols required by Human Resources.

Close Contact/Potential Exposure

Your child should remain home for 14 days from the last date of exposure if:

    • Your child has had close contact within 6 feet of an infected person for at least 15 minutes with a person with confirmed COVID-19

    • Someone in your household has had close contact/potential exposure to COVID-19

    • Your child has traveled to a restricted location
