Health and Safety

Reporting Requirements

The Daily Screening form must be completed in the Genesis Parent Portal each morning prior to reporting to school.

Update Contact Information

  • It is critical that parents review and update all contact information in Genesis.

  • In addition to an Emergency Contact students parents will need to designate a pick-up person in Genesis who may be contacted if the parent is unavailable to pick-up the student up from school.

Temperature Checks

  • Parents are required to have a working thermometer and will be required to attest on a daily basis that their children are fever-free and are not exhibiting other Covid-related symptoms.

  • The CDC advises against temperature checks on site.


  • Parents are required to notify the School Principal if your child has traveled to a state that has been identified by the State of NJ as having elevated levels of COVID-19 transmission.

  • Students traveling to a state with elevated COVID-19 transmission rates will be required to quarantine and will not be permitted at school or allowed to participate in any school related activities for 10 days from the date of returning home. Students may shorten the quarantine period with a negative PCR test. Rules for Return to School must be followed.

Mitigation Measures

Face Coverings and Other Barriers

Our public health officials have made clear that it is not possible to eliminate all risk from exposure to COVID-19 if schools are open. Therefore, they recommend layering mitigation strategies to reduce risk.

Mitigation measures we are implementing:

  • All students are required to wear a face covering when in school, unless they have a documented medical condition or are directed to remove their face covering by a staff member.

  • Students should bring 3 masks to school each day. One to wear, and 2 back ups.

  • All students will be provided a face shield.

  • We have purchased desk shields/partitions for desks and student work stations.

  • At the secondary level, we will ask students who are seated at a desk with a desk shield to use a wipe provided by the district to wipe down the desk shield at the beginning of the period.

Proper Care of Face Coverings

  • Cloth face coverings should be washed after every day use and/or before being used again, or if visibly soiled or damp/wet.

  • Disposable masks should be changed daily or when visibly soiled damp or wet.

  • Students should have 5 face masks for school and should bring spare maks ot school everyday in cases the face covering is dropped, soiled or lost at school and needs to be changed.

Shared Materials

  • We will reduce the number of shared and exchanged objects, including books, journals, and other items.

  • Individual supplies will be used where possible. School Supply Lists can be found here and have been updated to reflect the need for individual and non-shared supplies

  • It is not possible to disinfect every item in a school after every use and or avoid all exchanges of materials (such as a teacher needing to distribute a piece of paper to students). Students will be encouraged to practice good hand hygiene by washing their hands frequently and using hand sanitizer.