CHS Charger Happenings

January 2024 Update

Looking Ahead

23-34 S1 Exam Schedule

Semester 1 Exam Schedule

Please click above for the Semester 1 Exam Schedule.  There will be no early release bussing this year.  Exams will begin on Friday, 1/19 and run through Wednesday, 1/24.  Make-up Exams will take place on 1/25 & 1/26.

Please know that Major Course Assessments (also known as Semester Exams) are an important component of Chariho's Comprehensive Assessment System.  Major Course Assessments are worth 20% of your child’s semester grade and factor into their overall semester grade for the course.  It is important that our students prepare in advance of the S1 exam window.

Happy New Year!

We wish all of our students and families a relaxing, fun, and safe winter break!  See you in the new year!

Looking Back

Interact Food Drive

A special thank you to our Interact Club who organized a very successful food drive to give back to the local community.  Over 2300 food items have been donated.

Gingerbread Express

A special thank you to our faculty and staff who have contributed to our Gingerbread Express where we give back to students and families at CHS during the holidays.

Deck the Halls with Kindness

Teachers and students participated in a kindness campaign. They were tasked with decorating their doors and halls with messages of kindness in creative ways.