CHS Charger Happenings

February 2024 Update

Looking Ahead

RIDE Accountability Ratings:      Report Card

RIDE recently released the State Accountability Ratings for schools.  Overall, there is a lot for us to celebrate.  We jumped from 3-stars to 5-stars in our Graduation Rate.  The other great news is that we no longer have been identified as having a low-performing subgroup.  Having stated this, we will continue to proceed with the action steps we have created to close gaps for our students with disabilities.  We are proud of this important work that we have committed to as a school.  We still have work to do for our state testing achievement and growth scores and continue to strive to reach our SIP goals in these areas.  

Overall, we should feel very proud as a school.  If you look at the majority of our ratings, we received 5-stars across most categories.  We will review our state report card with you when we see you all during our February Early Release time.  To view our report card online, click here.  

Congratulations CHS!

23-24 S1 Exam Schedule (Revised Version)

UPDATED: Semester 1 Exam Schedule

UPDATE: Seeing that we have had 3 school days impacted by school cancellations, we are adjusting our semester exam schedule.  Please click the image above for the revised Semester 1 Exam Schedule.  

There will be no early release bussing this year.  Exams will begin on 1/23 and run through 1/26. Please know that Major Course Assessments (also known as Semester Exams) are an important component of Chariho's Comprehensive Assessment System.  Major Course Assessments are worth 20% of the semester grade and factor into the student's overall semester grade for the course.  It is important that our students prepare in advance of the S1 exam window.

SurveyWorks Letter to Students & Families

Two lucky students can earn a $20 gift card to our CHARIHOtech Creative Tastes Cafe!  Here's how...

Please click the letter on the left to learn more!  We value the responses we receive when parents complete the SurveyWorks Parent Survey.

YMHFA Flyer Jan 24 & 31 (1).pdf

YMHFA Training for Families

Please click on the flyer above to learn more about free Youth Mental Health First Aid trainings provided to families this month.  Dates of trainings are 1/24 & 1/31.

Jan RISAS Parent Newsletter 2024.pdf

RISAS Newsletter

Please click the image above to see the RISAS Newsletter.

5 Year Capital Improvement Plan Overview

Please click the image to the right to learn more.

5 year capital improvement planning & stage ii application plan overview (5) (1).pdf

Looking Back

Girls Basketball Team Wins the WCCU Tournament!

           Chariho Chorus "Flash Mob" performs at                T.F. Green Airport