As a result of the 2018 accreditation visit, Chadron Public Schools is working on two district goals to enhance student learning and foster stakeholder collaboration across the district. This goal will remain in place until the district completes and in depth review of the Accreditation report from the 2023 visit with all staff.

Goal 1 (Academic) - All students will be proficient or meet typical growth in core areas using appropriate grade-level assessments by providing multi-tiered systems level of support to ensure equitable learning environments for all students by 2023-24. 

Goal 2 (Communication) - Develop a formal, district-wide communication plan to improve two-way communication between the district and its stakeholders. 

Accreditation occurs every five years currently. To help with goal setting and to establish a timeline with priorities, CPS utilizes a whiteboard method to help with planning and as a visual reminder of our timeline. A digital version is accessible at the link to the right.

 Chadron has developed an Instructional Guide document to define what is valued as proficient and distinguished teaching at Chadron Public Schools.  This is a compilation of strategies, philosophies, and skill sets that are implemented among PreK - 12 educators at Chadron, which are aligned to the Nebraska Standards as well as the Charlotte Danielson Framework for Teaching.  Its purpose is to serve as a guide to the researched-based practices used in the district including:  Marzano, 40 Assets, All Children Experiencing Success, and other models or future educational innovations.  

The purpose is not to be an evaluation tool but rather to continue to guide teachers and school improvement leaders with the development of common language across grades and contents.