2023-24 Academic Year Visit

Chadron Public Schools participated in a District Accreditation visit in November 2023Full Report Here    Insights Here

As a result of the visit, Chadron continues to be an accredited institution per Cognia Standards.

 Cognia provides the Index of Education Quality (IEQ) as a holistic measure of overall performance. Chadron received a score of 315. An IEQ above 300 indicates the institution meets Cognia’s expectations for accreditation that include one or more Areas for Improvement and may include one or more Noteworthy Practices. Institutions must address the Areas for Improvement and provide evidence of actions taken and results to Cognia in a required Progress Report due three years following the review. Additional progress monitoring may be required if satisfactory progress is not achieved.

Summary of findings - Overall the review was very positive and highlighted some of the wonderful things happening in the district. The review team found Chadron to exhibit strengths in fostering a positive learning environment, providing robust support systems, and utilizing data for improvement. There were areas for improvement identified. These include the need for more structured professional development, streamlined communication methods, comprehensive curriculum review, full implementation of MTSS, formal data review processes, and enhanced engagement in digital learning. Addressing these areas could align the district's efforts more closely with its strengths, ensuring comprehensive excellence across all areas of operation and furthering its mission to provide quality education for all learners. 

Noteworthy Practices

Standards Exceeding Expectations

Opportunities for Improvement

Using the information collected and reviewed, the evaluator identified the following Areas for Improvement that will help the institution improve. 

The Areas for Improvement will be revisited when the institution conducts Cognia's Progress Report.

Opportunity 1

Opportunity 2

The 2023 AdvancEd Review Summary & AdvancED Full Review can be found at the links below.

Accreditation is a continuous improvement process. The Engagement Review provides independent, objective guidance in relation to the Performance Standards and the institution’s improvement journey. Upon receiving the Accreditation Engagement Review Report, the institution is expected to implement the following steps: (1) Review and share the findings in this report with stakeholders. (2) Use the findings from the report to guide and strengthen your institution's improvement efforts. (3) Celebrate the successes noted in the report. (4) Continue the improvement journey. (5) Report to Cognia on your progress toward improvement.

2018-19 Academic Year Visit

Chadron Public Schools participated in a District Accreditation visit during the week of November 25-28, 2018. 

Many strengths were noted from the accreditation visit, as were areas where the district had opportunities for improvement. 

Highlighted areas are noted below.

High Levels of Impact in Many Areas

Areas Exceeding Expectations

1.4:  Policies that support system effectiveness 

1.5:  Code of ethics with roles and responsibilities

1.6:  Staff supervision and evaluation for improvement and effectiveness

1.7:  Operational processes that support teaching and learning 

2.4:  Learners develop positive relationships 

2.7:  Instruction to meet individual learners needs 

2.10:  Learning is assessed and communicated

Opportunities for Improvement

Opportunities for Improvement

The 2018 AdvancEd Review Summary & AdvancED Full Review can be found at the links below.