Instrument Rental


If you are renting an instrument for the first time, please wait until June 1st if you are going to use Music and Arts as your rental company. The new rental "year" begins in June and you will receive a greatly reduced price for the entire term of the rental agreement.

We recommend Music and Arts (Wayne/Paramus) or The Music Shop for your instrument rental. These two companies have provided very high quality instruments and customer service over the years. They both have an online rental procedure and customer service available to assist you in the process.

All instrument rentals through Music and Arts will be delivered to MMS for the first day of class as long as you rent in a timely fashion. Please complete your online rental process by June 11, 2021 in order to guarantee an instrument. If you do not complete the process in time, you may need to go to the store to pick the instrument up in person.

If you are borrowing an instrument, please take it to a reputable repair shop to have it serviced. It will save you and your child some major frustration when they can't play because there is something not working properly. Even if "Uncle Joe" can get a sound on it does not mean it is working properly. Every instrument needs to be serviced at some point.