Computer Science LAB

Computer Science Class (Tuesdays/Thursdays)

Looking for things to work on at home? You can use any of the symbaloo links or activities below (page loads slowly).

Typing Practice

Typing Practice (20 min.) (Gr. 2-6)

  • Hand placement is important.

  • Good posture helps build healthy habits.

  • Try typing without looking down at your fingers so your brain will memorize where the keys are.

  • Start at 10 wpm (words per minute) and work up to 40 wpm by high school.

Keyboard Challenge (K-1)

  • Practice memorizing letter placement on the keyboard with the Keyboard Challenge.

Digital Citizenship

Google Interland (Gr. 4-6)

  • How do we act online? Practice playing Google Interland to learn how to be safe online.

Digital Passport (Gr. 4-6)

  • Learn about password security, cyberbullying, and other ways to stay safe online.


State Library Databases (free)

  • Use a database or online encyclopedia for more reliable information.

Copyright free images and music

  • Creating a presentation? Use these websites instead of a Google image search to make sure you are using copyright free images.

  • Need background music? There are also websites for copyright free music listed in the link above.

More Research Help

  • Giving Credit

    • Citations

    • Bibliography/Works Cited

Computer Systems and Programming

GCF - Computer Basics (Gr. 4-6)

  • Watch tutorials at your own pace about computers and technology.

Hour of Code Activities (Gr. 3-6)

  • Learn computer coding while playing coding games. Classroom login (Gr. 3-6)

  • This is a 20 hour course that will save your progress and you can work at your own pace.

Scratch Login (Gr. 5-6)

  • Create and explore coding more in depth with Scratch.

  • Computing Systems

  • Networks & the Internet

  • Data Analysis

  • Algorithms & Programming

  • Impacts of Computing


Computer Science is taught every other week to grades K-6 for 40 minutes. On the opposite week, classes go to Art.

Computer Science Lessons

Our Computer Science classes cover the KS computer science standards listed above using age appropriate skills and activities. Our main units throughout the year are:

  • Digital Citizenship - password safety, cyberbullying, online etiquette, etc...

  • Research - keyword search terms, reliable sources, critical thinking - is this fake?, etc...

  • Typing - homerow keys, touch typing

  • Computer systems & programming - computer components, networks & internet, coding, robotics, etc...