Using Quizlet

Believe it or not, Algebra has a TON of vocabulary that you need to not only be able to remember, but to also understand. I have created Quizlet sets for each Unit Test, which you are expected to study and learn. You may be quizzed, and even if you aren't, this vocabulary will be ALL OVER your tests, so take this seriously.

  • The quizlets are linked under the unit material for each unit. (to the left under Unit Material)

How do I use flash cards?

In the case of math vocabulary, a good way to study is to use flashcards.

        1. You write the term on one side of the card and the definition on the other side.
        2. Start on the "term" side of the cards. Look at each term and define it. Flip the card over to see if you have defined it correctly. Place the cards in one of 2 piles:
              • The first pile is for terms you know right away without really having to think.
              • The second pile is for terms you have to think about or that you don't know at all
        3. After you've gone through the cards completely, pick up the second pile of cards and keep going through them using the 2-pile method until you have learned all of the terms.
        4. Now flip the cards over and go through them starting on the "definition" side.

When you use Quizlet, the process is basically the same, except you click the star in the top right corner of cards that you don't know or have to think about. When you go back through the cards, select the option to study starred cards.