Our Courses

Here you can access all the information you will need about your required courses. Courses are all held virtually and are typically offered on an annual basis. You can access information about courses below.

Course Schedule

Scroll down and click in the to see course information in a convenient grid format organized by term and registration date click the dates to get to the registration page.

Neon One Registration System

All courses can be found on the Neon One website. This is where you will register for all courses. If you don't have a Neon One account, click here to create one.

Current Course Schedule

Fall Term (July-December 2024)

Instructional Methods (597350)

Course Description: Scholars learn four (4) classroom strategies for instructing children. These are “toolbox” strategies that all teachers use given the curriculum, developmental learning goals and outcomes, the goals of the unit/lesson, and the instructional setting. Scholars learn to use 

This course is essential for all teaching licenses.

Required Text(s)/Materials: None

Term: Fall

Instructor(s): Dr. Jessica Williams

Delivery: Synchronous, Virtual


7/16, 8/13 - 1:50-3:20

9/16, 9/30 - 4:30-6:00
Last Updated: 6-18-24

Classroom Management (597301)

Course Description: Scholars learn philosophic bases for classroom management strategies and how to use differing strategies given stages of child development and diverse student behavioral and classroom management issues. These are “toolbox” strategies for all teacher licenses. 

Scholars learn and understand the uses of - 

This course is essential for all teaching licenses.

Required Text(s)/Materials: None

Term: Fall

Instructor(s): Dr. Jessica Williams

Delivery: Synchronous, Virtual


7/25, 8/15 - 1:50-3:20

 9/12, 10/2 - 4:30-6:00

Last Updated: 6-25-24

Foundations of Literacy (597311)

Course Description: Scholars develop competencies in the nine (9) pillars of science-based early literacy instruction required by WI Act 20.  The pillars are– 

This course meets the statutory stipulation requirement of PI 34.022(6) Reading and Language Arts.

Required Text(s)/Materials: TBD

Term: Fall

Instructor(s): Larissa Coursin

Delivery: Synchronous, Virtual


Tuesdays 10/1-12/17 4:30-6:00

Last Updated: 6-24-24

Modifications and Interventions of Instruction (597302)

Course Description: Scholars learn theories, concepts, and best practices for modifying and/or intervening with initial instruction to ensure student learning. Instruction includes 

Scholars understand and develop strategies for differentiating instruction based upon student needs.

This course is essential for all teaching licenses.

Required Text(s)/Materials: None

Term: Spring

Instructor(s): Dr. Jessica Williams

Delivery: Synchronous, Virtual

Dates:  10/7, 10/21, 11/4, 11/18 - 4:30-6:00

Last Updated: 5-24-24

Spring Term (January-June 2025)

Art, Music, PE Methods (597351)

Course Description: Scholars know and support the educational value and curricular objectives of art, music, and physical education and in the EC - grade 9 regular education curriculum.  

This course bridges the Wisconsin and National teaching standards in art, music, and physical education to provide a comprehensive foundation for nurturing young learners' creative expression and well-being.

This course is essential for 4K-9 teachers and partially fulfills the requirements of PI 34.021(1)(c) - Content knowledge for subject area programs.

Required Text(s)/Materials: TBD

Term: Spring

Instructor(s): Nancy Schultz

Delivery: Synchronous, Virtual

Dates:  OCT-NOV

Math Methods (597356)

Course Description: Scholars know and use the five standards for the preparation of teachers of mathematics, including Eight Mathematics Teaching Practices set forth by the National Council for Teachers of Mathematics. These include - 

This course is designed for 4K-9 teachers as well as secondary mathematics teachers.

Required Text(s)/Materials: TBD

Term: Spring

Instructor(s): TBD

Delivery: Synchronous, Virtual

Dates:  FEB

Science Methods (597354)

Course Description: Scholars know and use the six NSTA/ASTE Standards for Science Teacher Preparation for students in grades 1-6. 

Scholars use

to cause developmentally-appropriate student learning in the earth/space, life science, and physical science disciplines.

This course is designed for 4K-9 teachers as well as secondary science teachers.

Required Text(s)/Materials: TBD

Term: Spring

Instructor(s): Nancy Schultz

Delivery: Synchronous, Virtual

Dates: APR

Social Studies Methods (597355)

Course Description: 

Scholars know and understand the social studies disciplines including disciplinary concepts, facts, and tools; structures of inquiry; and forms of representation related to economics, geography, government, history, and the social sciences (NCSS).  Scholars learn how to - 

This course is designed for 4K-9 teachers as well as secondary social studies teachers.

Required Text(s)/Materials: TBD

Term: Spring

Instructor(s): Nancy Schultz

Delivery: Synchronous, Virtual

Dates: MAY

Child Development (597312)

Course Description: Scholars know and understand theories and principles of human growth and development from conception through adolescence with a focus on the interrelatedness of physical, cognitive, and social-emotional aspects of child development. 

Scholars acquire the knowledge and skills essential to the care and guidance of children. 

This course is essential for all teacher licenses.

Required Text(s)/Materials: TBD

Term: Spring

Instructor(s): Dr. Jessica Williams

Delivery: Synchronous, Virtual

Dates: 6/4 - 4:30-6:00

6/11, 6/18, 6/25 - 1:50-3:20

Last Updated: 5-14-24

Self-Paced Statutory Stipulations (Beginning 2024-25 School Year)

Conflict Resolution [PI 34.022 (4)]

Course Description: Scholars learn strategies classroom teachers use to help ease conflict and build healthy relationships between students and staff. Three skill sets are developed -

This course meets the statutory stipulation requirements of PI 34.15(4). Conflict Resolution.

Required Text(s)/Materials: TBD

Term: Fall

Instructor(s): Dr. Jessica Williams

Delivery: Self-Paced, Virtual

Availability: August 1, 2024

Environmental Education [PI 34.022 (2)]

Course Description: Scholars understand and integrate knowledge of environmental education, including the conservation of natural resources into the regular curriculum.

This course is presented as a self-paced, asynchronous online module.  Scholars self-register, are provided study materials, and take a required assessment when ready.

This course meets the statutory stipulation requirements of PI 34.022(3)(c) for Scholars seeking any of the following licenses - early childhood regular education, elementary and middle school regular education, science, or social studies.

Required Text(s)/Materials: Provided

Term: Any

Instructor(s): None

Delivery: Self-Paced, Virtual

Availability: June 1, 2025

WI American Indian Tribes and Bands [PI 34.022 (3a)]

Course Description: Scholars understand and integrate knowledge of the history , culture, and tribal sovereignty of American Indian tribes and bands located in Wisconsin into the regular curriculum.

This course is presented as a self-paced, asynchronous online module.  Scholars self-register, are provided study materials, and take a required assessment when ready.

This course meets the statutory stipulation requirements of PI 34.022(3)(a).

Required Text(s)/Materials: Provided

Term: Any

Instructor(s): None

Delivery: Self-Paced, Virtual

Availability: February 1, 2025

Women and Minority History, Culture and Contributions [PI 34.022 (3b)]

Course Description: Scholars understand and integrate knowledge of the history, culture, and contributions of women and various racial, cultural, language, and economic groups in the United States in the regular curriculum.

The course is presented as a self-paced, asynchronous online module.  Scholars self-register, are provided study materials, and take a required assessment when ready. 

This course meets the statutory stipulation requirements of PI 34.022(3)(b) - Equity

Required Text(s)/Materials: Provided

Term: Any

Instructor(s): None

Delivery: Self-Paced, Virtual

Availability: March 1, 2025

Philosophical and Psych. Bases of Attitude Dev. and Change [PI 34.022 (3c)]

Course Description: Scholars understand and integrate knowledge of the philosophical and psychological bases for attitude development and change into the regular curriculum.

This course is presented as a self-paced, asynchronous online module.  Scholars self-register, are provided study materials, and take a required assessment when ready.

This course meets the statutory stipulation requirements of PI 34.022(3)(c).

Required Text(s)/Materials: Provided

Term: Any

Instructor(s): None

Delivery: Self-Paced, Virtual

Availability: April 1, 2025

Implications of Racism and Discrimination [PI 34.022 (3d,e,f)]

Course Description: Scholars understand and integrate knowledge of the psychological and social implications of discrimination, including racism and sexism in the United States into the regular curriculum, and understand equity issues in the evaluation and assessment of the forces of discrimination, especially racism and sexism on administrators, teachers, pupils, assessment, curriculum, and instruction in schools.

This course is presented as a self-paced, asynchronous online module.  Scholars self-register, are provided study materials, and take a required assessment when ready.

This course meets the statutory stipulation requirements of PI 34.022(3)(d) and (e).

Required Text(s)/Materials: Provided

Term: Any

Instructor(s): None

Delivery: Self-Paced, Virtual

Availability: May 1, 2025

Professional Responsibilities [PI 34.022 (5,8)]

Course Description: Scholars understand and apply  knowledge of the role and responsibilities of a teacher through a student teaching experience that meets all the requirements under PI 34.023, and a teacher’s professional ethics and responsibilities, including mandatory reporting requirements under WI Stat. 48.981..

This course is presented as a self-paced, asynchronous online module.  Scholars self-register, are provided study materials, and take a required assessment when ready.

This course meets the statutory stipulation requirements of PI 34.022(5) and (8).

Required Text(s)/Materials: Provided

Term: Any

Instructor(s): None

Delivery: Self-Paced, Virtual

Availabilty: January 1, 2025

Children with Disabilities [PI 34.022 (7)]

Course Description: Scholars learn procedures used for 

Instruction includes -

This course meets the statutory stipulation requirements of PI 34.022(7) Children With Disabilities.

Required Text(s)/Materials: TBD

Term: Spring

Instructor(s): Dr. Jessica Williams

Delivery: Self-Paced, Virtual

Availabilty: December 1, 2024

License-Based Courses (Beginning July 2024)

Early Childhood - Regular Education - Birth to Grade 3

Foundations of Early Childhood I (597342)

Course Description: Scholars seeking an Early Childhood Regular Education license understand and apply the professional standards and competencies for early childhood educators and use developmentally appropriate practices (NAEYC).  This standards-based course prepares Scholars for effective instruction of children in the birth to grade 3 age group both in school and childcare settings.

In this course Scholars 

These courses are required for a birth to grade 3 regular education license.

Required Text(s)/Materials: TBD

Term: Spring

Instructor(s): Lance Grishaber

Delivery: Synchronous, Virtual

Delivery: Synchronous, Virtual

Dates: 1/16, 1/22, 1/30, 2/6, 2/13, 2/20, 2/27, 3/6, 3/13, 3/20, 3/27, 4/3 - 6:30-8:00

Last Updated: 7-2-24

Foundations of Early Childhood II (597343)

Course Description: Scholars seeking an Early Childhood Regular Education license understand and apply the professional standards and competencies for early childhood educators and use developmentally appropriate practices (NAEYC).  This standards-based course prepares Scholars for effective instruction of children in the birth to grade 3 age group both in school and childcare settings.

In this course Scholars 

These courses are required for a birth to grade 3 regular education license.

Required Text(s)/Materials: TBD

Term: Fall

Instructor(s): Lance Grishaber

Delivery: Synchronous, Virtual

Dates: 9/19, 9/26, 10/3, 10/10, 10/17, 10/24, 10/31, 11/7, 11/14, 11/21, 12/5, 12/12 - 6:30-8:00

Last Updated: 7-2-24

Early Childhood - Special Education - Birth to Grade 3

Early Intervention/Early Childhood Education I (597325)

Course Description: Scholars seeking an Early Childhood Special Education license understand and apply the initial practice-based standards for early interventionists/early childhood special education (CEC).  These standards-based courses prepare Scholars for effective instruction of children with special needs in the birth to grade 3 age group both in school and childcare settings.


These courses are required for an EC Special Education license.

Required Text(s)/Materials: TBD

Term: Spring

Instructor(s): Heidi Siebert

Delivery: Synchronous, Virtual

Dates: 2/1, 2/15, 3/1, 3/15, 3/29, 4/12 - 8:30-11:30

Last Updated: 7-3-24

Early Intervention/Early Childhood Education II (597326)

Course Description: Scholars seeking an Early Childhood Special Education license understand and apply the initial practice-based standards for early interventionists/early childhood special education (CEC).  These standards-based courses prepare Scholars for effective instruction of children with special needs in the birth to grade 3 age group both in school and childcare settings.


These courses are required for an EC Special Education license.

Required Text(s)/Materials: TBD

Term: Fall

Instructor(s): Heidi Siebert

Delivery: Synchronous, Virtual

Dates: 10/5, 10/19, 11/2, 11/16, 11/23, 12/14 - 8:30-11:30

Last Updated: 7-3-24

English as a Second Language - K-12

Methods & Instructional Practices for Language Acquisition I (597334)

Course Description: Scholars seeking a license as an English as Second Language teacher understand and apply the Standards for Initial TESOL Pre-K-12 Teacher Preparation and the WIDA English Language Standards Framework to instruct students using a variety of LIEP models.  


These courses are required for an ESL license.

Required Text(s)/Materials: TBD

Term: Spring

Instructor(s): Beth Vande Hey

Delivery: Synchronous, Virtua


1/2, 5/13 - 4:30-6:00

1/28, 2/11, 3/4, 4/8 - 4:30-8:00

Last Updated: 7-8-2024

Methods & Instructional Practices for Language Acquisition II (597335)

Course Description: Scholars seeking a license as an English as Second Language teacher understand and apply the Standards for Initial TESOL Pre-K-12 Teacher Preparation and the WIDA English Language Standards Framework to instruct students using a variety of LIEP models.  


These courses are required for an ESL license.

Required Text(s)/Materials: TBD

Term: Fall

Instructor(s): Beth Vande Hey

Delivery: Synchronous, Virtual


9/26, 12/16 - 4:30-6:00

10/15, 11/11 - 4:30-8:00

Last Updated: 7-3-2024

Bilingual-Bicultural - Add-on

EL Bilingual/Bicultural Education I (597331)

Course Description: Scholars seeking a supplemental license as a Bilingual/Bicultural teacher understand and apply the National Dual Language Education Teacher Preparation Standards.  The holder of a Bilingual/Bicultural license must hold an initial teaching license in regular education or content subjects.

Scholars learn to

These courses are required for Scholars seeking a supplemental license as a Bilingual/Bicultural teacher.

Required Text(s)/Materials: TBD

Term: Spring (I), Fall (II)

Instructor(s): Beth Vande Hey

Delivery: Synchronous, Virtual 


1/14, 5/6 - 4:30-6:00

2/3, 2/17, 3/3, 4/1 - 4:30-8:00

Last Updated: 6/27/24

EL Bilingual/Bicultural Education II (597332)

Course Description: Scholars seeking a supplemental license as a Bilingual/Bicultural teacher understand and apply the National Dual Language Education Teacher Preparation Standards.  The holder of a Bilingual/Bicultural license must hold an initial teaching license in regular education or content subjects.

Scholars learn to

These courses are required for Scholars seeking a supplemental license as a Bilingual/Bicultural teacher.

Required Text(s)/Materials: TBD

Term: Spring (I), Fall (II)

Instructor(s): Beth Vande Hey

Delivery: Synchronous, Virtual

Dates:  9/25, 11/6, 12/19 - 4:30-6:00 10/16 - 4:30-8:00

Last Updated: 6/27/24

Cross-Categorical Special Education

Cross-Categorical Special Education I

Course Description:  Coming Soon

Term: Spring

Instructor(s): Mehre

Delivery: Synchronous, Virtual

Dates/Times: 1/16, 2/6, 2/20 4:30-8

Last Updated: 6/27/2024

Cross-Categorical Special Education II

Course Description:  Coming Soon

Term: Spring

Instructor(s): Mehre

Delivery: Synchronous, Virtual

Dates/Times: 4/10, 5/1, 5/21 4:30-8

Last Updated: 7/8/2024

Cross-Categorical Special Education III

Course Description:  Coming Soon

Term: Fall

Instructor(s): Gantz-Nett

Delivery: Synchronous, Virtual 

Dates/Times: 7/16, 7/30, 8/13 8:30-11:40 a.m.

Last Updated: 6/27/2024

Cross-Categorical Special Education IV

Course Description:  Coming Soon

Term: Fall

Instructor(s): Gantz-Nett

Delivery: Synchronous, Virtual 

Dates/Times: 9/18, 10/9, 10/30 4:30-8:00 p.m.

Last Updated: 6/27/2024

Previous Program

For scholars who were part of the program prior to  the 2023-24 school year

Unit and Lesson Design

Course Description:  Coming Soon

Term: Fall (July-Aug)

Instructor(s): Dr. Williams

Delivery: Synchronous, Virtual

Dates: 7/8, 7/15, 7/17 - 2-6:15

Last Updated: 5-14-24

Performance Assessment for Professional Educators

Course Description:  Coming Soon

Term: Fall (July-Aug)

Instructor(s): Dr. Williams

Delivery: Synchronous, Virtual

Dates: 7/19, 7/22, 7/24 - 2-6:15

Last Updated: 6-25-24

Instructional Technology

Course Description:  Coming Soon

Term: Fall (July-Aug)

Instructor(s): Kurt Wismer

Delivery: Synchronous, Virtual

Dates: 7/9, 7/23, 7/30, 8/6 - 1:50-5:00

Last Updated: 5-29-24