KA105 - Portugal 2019-2020


What about co-working and  cooperating on an Erasmus Project with your neighbour country? Education for adults is trending topic nowadays, we are struggling to give it the visibility it deserves. Who could be a better companion than Portugal to set off in this amazing journey?

 We Spaniards love Portugal, especially its people and enriching culture. We decided to create something together and worked hard for it. The result? An absolute SUCCESS. 

We want to share our Erasmus+ “Neighbors and acknowledges” Project with the world. Firstly, because it was a success and secondly, because “Erasmus Changes lives“ and we want to contribute to this slogan with this amazing experience and highlight how amazingly true this slogan affected our lives for good. 

General objective: Improvement of employability and social insertion.

Achieve this objective through the following specific objectives: