Plan de convivencia

Compentencia Digital

Competencia expresión cultural

Fecha de inicio: 01/05/2023 - Fecha de fin: 06/05/2023

Se trata de un grupo de 9 alumnos de Educación Secundaria para personas adultas que oscilan entre los 18 y los 53 años de edad, situándose en la veintena la mayor parte. Hay cuatro alumnos de nivel I y cuatro de nivel II, cuyas carencias son principalmente el uso adecuado de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación para el ámbito académico y laboral, así como la competencia lingüística en lengua extranjera.

The interaction between Spanish and North Macedonian students and teachers has fostered significant advancements in their linguistic and digital competences. Through this exchange, Spanish students have witnessed remarkable growth in their language skills and digital proficiency. The engagement with North Macedonian teachers and students has provided them with a valuable opportunity to enhance their linguistic abilities, expanding their vocabulary, improving their pronunciation, and refining their communication strategies

The cultural diversity and cosmopolitan atmosphere of North Macedonia has been very enriching for the group. Its ethnic groups, including Macedonians, Albanians, Turks, and Roma communities is a diversity that has brilliantly contributed to feed our tolerance and open our minds, since its cosmopolitan atmosphere, with different languages, traditions and coexisting cuisines have broadened our perspective and given us a more enriched outlook. 

We have also enjoyed the North Macedonian cultural heritage, its ancient ruins, medieval monasteries, and Ottoman influences. The group was really interested in history and culture and found the country to be a treasure with its archaeological sites and cultural traditions. Regarding natural beauty and landscapes we have visited its stunning natural landscapes, including its beautiful canyon and mountains.

We would like to underline its affordable cost of living, compared to many other European countries, North Macedonia has a relatively low cost of living. This affordability has been very appealing to us because we have been able to adjust our school budget comfortably without spending exorbitant amounts of money.

We have enjoyed the company of the North Macedonian group of students and teachers, their hospitality and friendliness towards us. The warmth and kindness of the local population have influenced the group positively.


Visitas naturales

Eventos institucionales