Inclement Weather
This contains important information about our inclement weather plans. In the event bad weather disrupts school operation in the mornings, we will release information to area radio and television stations, beginning at 5:30 a.m. The same information will be shared on ParentSquare, and will be placed on the school district website, on the FlashAlert Newswire at this link, and on the district Facebook page. Here is the link to the school district website: Central School District 13J Also, any decision to close or delay opening of schools will be communicated through the district telephone notification system.
School closed. No school for students or staff. All before- and after-school activities and meetings are cancelled. 12-month staff and essential staff are expected to report to work.
Two-hour delay. Schools will open two hours late, and there will be no before-school activities. All buses will run regular routes two hours late.
Snow routes only; NO delay. See snow routes on the school district website or by clicking this link. Only the routes listed are affected when buses are on snow routes. If a route number is not listed, it will operate as close as possible to the scheduled pick up and drop off times. If the snow routes occur in the A.M., buses will remain on snow routes for the P.M.
Two-hour delay AND buses on snow routes. All schools will open two hours late, and there will be no before-school activities. Buses will run two hours later than the times listed on the snow routes.
Communication to families about delays and/or closures will be sent:
Via ParentSquare. Please check to be sure your email is correct in Power School. If you do not have a login to Power School, please contact your building.
Via phone using ParentSquare. Please check to be sure your phone number is correct in Power School.
Posted on the district Facebook page. Follow us on Central School District 13J.
Posted on the district Website,
The decision process used is:
Central School District Transportation Department surveys roads
Transportation Department staff consults with the Superintendent.
The Superintendent makes the final decision in collaboration with the Transportation Department.
Closure during a School Day:
It may occasionally be necessary to send students home from school early due to the threat of severe weather or other emergencies. Parents should select a "second home" (preferably a neighbor) where their student may stay in the event they are away from home.
In any emergency, the Superintendent or designee will decide whether students should be sent home. They may be sent home immediately, or kept in the schools indefinitely under continuous supervision until the emergency has passed. These decisions will be communicated with the same processes used for school delay or closure, and described in this letter.
Important Information:
All drivers should be extra cautious when driving in bad weather, especially when driving on days of a delayed school opening or when buses are on snow routes. There will likely be ice or snow on the roads when these occur. Parents and legal guardians are reminded that they make the final decision about whether it is safe for their child to attend school on bad weather days. When a child cannot attend school due to bad weather, the school office should be notified of the absence.
If the roads look bad or if there has been ice or snow, listen to the television or visit the school district website or Facebook page for possible closure or delays.
Please advise your child not to wait more than 20 minutes beyond the designated pick-up time for their bus. They should return to their homes at that time.
Decisions to close the schools or implement a 2-hour delay are made by the Superintendent in close communication with key staff members, including those in the transportation department.
Please contact your school office staff if you have any questions OR if student contact information needs updated.