advanced studio

Artist Name “Hannah Brogden”

18x24, Acrylic, 2018

I got my idea to do this from him having such a big impact on everybody he had many people that had love for him and I wanted to turn him into an art piece. This piece is very personal and I was emotional painting it, I didn’t get to have very many memories with him I meet him soon before he passed but he was so sweet and had the biggest heart but didn’t play about the people he had love for. If I were to start over I wouldn’t change anything because I love how it turned out, it was a challenge but this is how I imagined it. I love how looks and his clothes have so much detail and the face was the most challenging part but it was worth it. I also love the style of the letters and the colors make the painting pop!

Artist Name “Hannah Brogden”

18x24, Acrylic, 2018

My idea to do this painting was because Rihanna is my favorite female artists and she is gorgeous so why wouldn’t I want to hang her on my wall? If I were to start over I wouldn’t change anything because I love how it turned out but if I ever decide too I might make her have more dangly bliny earrings. My favorite thing about this painting is how I glued a real necklace onto the canvas I thought this was creative and it was my first time trying it. This was a realistic style painting I wanted her to look at real as I could by making her skin tone the same as in real life and by adding highlights to make it look more natural.

Artist Name “Hannah Brogden”

18X18, Acrylic, 2019

I got this idea from my boyfriend he loves movies and at the time I couldn’t think of anything to paint and this was an actor from an action movie he likes so I am going to surprise him with it. If I were to start over I would have done the whole background first because I was going to leave it all white but in the end, I added a faded grey that put even more pop to the painting. I love how it turned out my favorite is the words how they have a graffiti look to them and a font that implies it could have been action to the actor. This painting style is a little of realisms but also surrealism because it has a movie cover look to it but also details so little he looks real.

Artist Name "Hannah Brogden"

mini sketch, pencil, 2019

I got this idea because it was my favorite picture from when I was little because I always was making faces and we needed a self portrait project. If I were to start over I would have used color not just pencil and shading I think it would stand out more. My favorite thing is the little details on the sheets because thats what was in the picture so I added it, I thought it implied being young with cute details on my bedding. This was a sketch of me and I wanted it to look like the picture so the style was realism.

Artist Name "Hannah Brogden

water color, 2019

I found this idea on Pinterest. If I were to start over I would do the background different so it wouldn't be so plain. I love the colors of the elephant. This is a surrealism painting because its realistic with unrealistic colors.

Artist Name "Hannah Brogden

18X18, Acrylic, 2019

in progress; I took this photo of my dog lily, she's a Dalmatian. If I were to start over I wouldn't change anything because I wanted her to be the center of attention. I love the background color because it matches her collar and she's a girl. Realism style painted same as picture different background.

Artist Name "Hannah Brogden"

18X24, Acyclic, 2019

In progress; This idea I got when I painted my mad max painting for my boyfriend his mom loved my skills so Im going to surprise her with this when Im finished, its a picture of her twin grandkids. If I were to start over I might have done the background different but I'm going to see how it will turn out. I think there pjs will be my favorite because they are cute and colorful.