
January Winner

"Calming Storms" by Jessica Whisler

Last night I lay in my bed

I hear the pitter of the rain on my window

As I listen to music I get up

Looking out the window at the beautiful storm

I watched lightning dance across the sky

Seeing the calming storm everything falls into place

I watch as if there is no tomorrow

When it ends and a rainbow flashes across the sky

I realize everything is going to be alright.

"You" by Amber Persad

Life is hard,

We all know that.

That’s just the way it is, 

It’s a well-known fact.

But, you have completed me,

Filled in where I lacked.

Now, it is I who you attract. 

Is it love? I can't say that. 

Is it fiction,

Or is it a fact? 

Looking into your eyes makes me feel light as a feather.

You make my heart beat out of my chest whenever we’re together.

I want to feel this feeling forever.

Never with anyone else. 

No, never.

Like a magnet, you pull me in,

Leaving me wanting more of you again.

The feelings I have for you can’t be expressed by a page and a pen.

The times we depart, I long to see you again. 

So yes, I’m sure it’s love.

Something surely from up above.

When I’m with you, I never feel unloved.