In October, our project coordinator attended the initial training sessions for all the Erasmus + 201 project coordinators of the 2019-20 course. These days were held in the city of Albacete in October 7th and 8th, 2019. The program of that initial training was the following one:

October 7th, 2019

10: 00-11: 15 Accreditation of participants and delivery of documentation.

11: 15-11: 45 Inauguration.

11: 45-12: 15 Who are we here? The results of the 2019 call.

12: 15-12: 30 Strategic Partnerships in the Erasmus + program. General framework.

12: 30-14: 30 What commitment does my institution acquire with the project?

14: 30-16: 00 Lunch

16: 00-16: 45 Communication, dissemination and visibility of Erasmus + projects.

16: 45-18: 00 The expected impact of the Erasmus + Strategic Partnerships.

October 8th, 2019

09: 00-09: 30 Accreditation of participants.

09: 30-10: 15 Controls applicable to KA2 Strategic Partnerships projects.

10: 15-11: 30 Specific sessions by educational sectors (KA201, KA202, KA203, KA204).

11: 30-12: 00 Coffee.

12: 00-14: 00 Continuation of the specific sessions by educational sectors (KA201, KA202, KA203, KA204).

14:00 Closing.