Drawing 1

 Artist Name Kyle Bixby “ Dark City”

12x4, Graphite, 2021


 My idea was to create a dark city at night to make it look like New York or any other big city. I got the idea just from my mind just thinking of what to draw. I came up with this idea by myself

I used a lot of different tools and colors including a sharpie, little graphite, colored pencils, crayons, pencil, and ruler. It took about 4 class periods to complete it.

The artwork does not really mean anything but it just symbolizes a dark city at night with very little to no light. I want the audience to think that this is what a dark city with little light looks like.

The most difficult thing for me was measuring out the lines of the buildings correctly. I just measured very carefully. I would change some of the shapes of the building if I could change anything.

This drawing is surreal, I love about this drawing is that it kinda shows a more realistic part of a dark city and not just super fake.

Kyle Bixby

JDM Liberty Walk

My idea was to create one of my faviorte car brands. This is really the first car that I have ever drown and did not think it turned out that bad . I did this by myself with no help. The materials used were markers a little graphite powder and sharpie. The most successful part that I had was coloring everything in. The hardest part I had was making the rims and the wheels because I have no idea how to make them. This project was kinda a hard project because I have never made a car like this. This is my color project.