Advanced Art

Kyle Bixby "Dark Mountains"

9x12 Colored pencil 2023

My idea for this artwork is to create a mountain like scenery. My 4 ideas include mountain landscaping. I am really big on mountains beacuse i think they are really cool to draw and create. The materials i used were paper and colored pencils, i did not use alot of material. I got this idea from myself because i have always liked to draw and create these types of artworks. The most challenging part was the mountains because i have alwasy had trouble drawing mountains. If I were to chnage somthing i would have done the mountains first and got everything lined up so i could easily line everything up with the mountains to make it a little bit easier to do. I think that this artwork is actually pretty good and i liked doing it beacus ei enjoy doing these landscape drawings.

Kyle Bixby  "Swiss Alps" 

9x12 Colored Pencil 2023

My Idea for this artwork was to try and recreate the Swiss alps Mountin picture. I really enjoy drawing and Viewing the mountain landscapes and i am trying to get better at drawing them. I Used diffrent colors of colored pencils and some shading paper to try and get a shading on the mountains. I am getting better at doing mountains. I was not very good at the begginnig of art drawing mountins because my detail was not there. I would say the most challenging part was shading the mountins and getting the detail on it. I fi were to change something i would have maybe positioned the mountains in a diffrent place because it was a little hard with all of them. I really enjoy this artwork and i think it is one of my best.