Ceramics 2

fallen knight.mp4

Kyle Bixby "4 Bunnies”

4 (2x1x1), Stoneware and Glaze, 2023 


  I got the idea to create the bunny clay project from seeing the demonstration from Mrs.Dunlavey. Mrs. Dunlavey showed us an example of what the end of the project would look like and I decided I wanted to recreate the bunnies. The tools I used were a mold of the bunny and then put clay slip into the mold to recreate another mold of the bunnies. We waited for the bunnies to dry and be perfect for taking out of the mold. Once they were dried we took them out of the molds to see the final project. Once taken out we needed to sand the bunnies down and start to glaze. I used all different colors for each bunny because i thought it would be unique. What I want the audience to think about while seeing this artwork is, all of the different colors used on each bunny. I have never seen any bunny with many different colors of fur. I thought it was unique and a good idea. The most challenging part was making the molds. Getting the molds to be perfect and stick together was the hardest part. I overcame this challenge by adding more and more clay into the mold to ensure I had it perfect. If I were to change something when I started I would have picked a bigger size bunny.  This artwork is realistic. I love that this artwork turned out pretty well and i had fun doing this art project. Mrs.Dunlavey also helped me out with the mold part so I would get it to look like realism.


Wyatt & Kyle's "Fallen Knight" Stop motion

Description- A Friend of a fallen knight sees his friend has fallen and he pays his resepct to him.

Kyle Bixby "robot"

 (15x12x8) Ceramic bust and glaze, 2023

My idea to create this ceramic bust was from the movie I robot. I wanted to create a replica of one of the robots from one of the movies. I decided to add a little more to the bust. I decided to add a headset to the top of its head. And a power strip on the side of its shoulder.  The tools I used were, Glaze, clay, clay smoother, cans ( to hold bust together), paper and tools to create the shape of the bust. At the start when I was creating the bust I thought the color grey and white would have been good because those colors are the colors of an alien. As I was going on I thought it would have been cool to make the alien a dark grey color and make the headset and power cord gold. I wanted to make it look like a call of duty skin or another video game skin that you would buy.  The most challenging part of making this was getting the bottom of the bust to stay together. The bottom of the bust cracked 3 times and it kept falling over. Another challenging part was getting the shape of the face. I am not the best at shaping clay so It was a challenge. If I started again I would start by making the bottom of the bust a little stronger so it would not fall over so much. The artwork is realistic. I am pretty excited with the way it turned out. Mrs.Dunalvey helped me secure the bottom a lot  by helping keep the bottom of the bust strong.