ceramics 1

Kyle Bixby

9 inch cup, utilitarian, 2021

My idea for my artwork was it to be a nice size coffee cup. Nothing really inspired me to do it I just kinda did it because I didint really know what to do. I had never made anything like this before so I wanted to try something new.

I started off with a big thing of clay then rolled it out into a square type thing then rolled it up into a cup then used the shaver to shave some of the sides off of the top and bottom to make it smooth. Mrs.Dunlavey helped me out a little bit by smoothing it out into a coffee mug type shape. Fired it then glazed it.

There is nothing that it really means so I dont want anyone to think of it as anything its just your regular coffee cup. There is no symbolic imagery.

The most difficult thing about making this coffee cup was getting all the sides of the cup to equal up to 1. The sides were rough so it was hard to get them to be equal.

This artwork is surreal

Kyle Bixby


My idea for this artwork was to create a bowl for everyday use. Nothing really inspired me to make this I just thought that it is a perfect thing to make because a lot of people use a bowl for many things every day. What I did was get a big thing of clay then roll it all up to like a bowl shape form. Next I used a roller to roll it to be smooth. Then Mrs. Dunlavey helped me get the correct shape and form to make the bowl with a smooth top. Now that the bowl is done Mrs.Dunlavey fired it and then next class I put a coat of glaze on it. Now that everything is done the bowl is done. The only challenge was getting the right shape at the top to make the top of the bowl smooth, This was a utillitarian.