advanced studio one

Anna Hurning "Lilac bouquet"

acrylic paint
When I was younger, at my old house we had a beautiful lilac tree and I would pick the lilacs off to build little bouquets to give to my sisters. I started by painting the background a light purple color. Next I started using a sponge and dabbing on a dark purple color. Then I did highlight and shading using a pink shade and a white shade. This work symbolized childhood and my youth. The hardest part for me was doing the highlights and shadows and making them look realistic. If there was one thing I could change it'd be the shade of green I used for the stems. This style of art is realism

Anna Hurning "pond pond"clay, acrylic paint
I got this idea from my family friend's pond. She has a tiny coy fish pond with little lily pads and as a child it was so mesmerizing to me. I started by building the pond, then I made the little lily pads. I next made the Mushroom bottoms and tops and lastly mad the frog. I then had it be ran through the kiln and then painted it. This work symbolized childhood because it reminds me of that little coy fish pond. The most difficult part was shaping the mushrooms and getting them the right size. If there was one thing I could change it would be the green shade on the frog. This work is non-objective.

Anna Hurning "aesthetic bagel"

Acrylic paint