Social Norming

Social Norms Definition

Social norms are the perceived informal, mostly unwritten, rules that define acceptable and appropriate actions within a given group or community, thus guiding human behaviour. They consist of what we do, what we believe others do, and what we believe others approve of and expect us to do. Social norms are therefore situated at the interplay between behaviour, beliefs and expectations (UNICEF).

Campbell County School District achieves to understand the social norms of the students by collaborating with Wyoming Department of Health and the Wyoming Department of Education to establish a safe environment in schools. 

Sponsored by the Wyoming Department of Health, and endorsed by the Wyoming Department of Education, CCSD distributes the PNA that samples 6th, 8th, 10th, and 12th graders, every two years. The survey is conducted voluntarily, and parents provide consent for their students to participate. The PNA measures a variety of attitudes, beliefs, and perceptions that have been shown to be related to alcohol, tobacco, and drug use along with violent and problem behaviors. The PNA also measures the percent of students that have used or are currently using alcohol, tobacco, and/or other drugs as well as students that have participated in violent and other problem behaviors. 

Information from the PNA can be used to choose and evaluate prevention interventions, strategies, and policies for schools, school districts, communities and the State of Wyoming. Campbell County School District's goal is to improve the wellness of students. 

Student Behavioral Health survey (SBHS)

In 2020, the Wyoming Department of Education, in collaboration with Campbell County School District, was awarded a Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Advancing Wellness and Resilience Education (Project AWARE) grant. This grant provides Wyoming with an unprecedented opportunity to build infrastructure and connect students to behavioral health supports. At the state and local education agency (LEA) levels. 

The Student Behavioral Health Survey was created to provide information about student knowledge, perceptions, and experiences. This survey samples 5th, 7th, 9th, and 11th graders, every two years.  This survey is conducted voluntarily, and parents provide consent for their students to participate.  By identifying areas of strength and areas for growth, this survey can support collaborative discussion and improvement efforts in the district.

Social norming at work

Positive Community Norms, designed by Most of Us, is the tool CCSD works to change the Social Norms in the district along with other tools in the community. 

Student Support Services (SSS) partners with Sylvestri Customization and community agencies to develop posters, social media campaigns, banners, ads, PSA's, and other social norming media to provide youth and parents facts about youth behaviours in Campbell County.   

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