Bullying Prevention


Campbell County School District No. 1 (CCSD) is committed to providing a secure student learning environment free of threats, hazing, harassment, intimidation, menacing, cyberbullying, "sexting" and other bullying behavior. Pursuant to the policy and administrative regulations herein, created with the assistance of parents and guardians, school employees, volunteers, students, administrators, and community representatives, no person may engage in threats, hazing, harassment, intimidation, menacing, cyber-bullying, "sexting" or bullying behavior against a CCSD student or students participating in functions sponsored by the District ("student participants"). Further, CCSD prohibits reprisal or retaliation against a student, witness, or person who reports information about or cooperates in the investigation of an act of threatening, hazing, harassment, intimidation, menacing, cyberbullying, "sexting" or bullying. All such behavior by students, staff, or third parties against any CCSD student or student participant is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated by CCSD.

To continue reading the Student Bullying Policy Procedures please click on this link POLICY

Safe2Tell WYoming

Safe2Tell is a confidential tip line that is assessable via web reporting, mobile app and/or toll free calling.

Web Reporting

Report your concerns at https://www.safe2tellwy.org/

Safe2Tell Wyoming Mobile App

The Safe2Tell Wyoming mobile app for reporting threatening behaviors and safety concerns is available for students, parents and community members. Students are using the Safe2Tell Wyoming mobile app to report concerns before, during and after school with the mobile app because the most popular way students are reporting concerns to Safe2Tell. The Safe2Tell Wyoming mobile app is password protected, allows reporters to upload videos or photos, and has the ability to conduct a two-way dialogue with the report and dispatcher using a unique login and password. See something concerning on social media? Upload the image in a Safe2Tell report using confidential Safe2Tell Wyoming app.

Toll Free Calling
