
Options for Screencasting are: Screencastify, Loom, Screencast-O-Matic

What is a Screencast?

A screencast is a digital video recording of your computer screen and usually includes audio narration. Instruction does not allows have to happen in real time, and the use of screencasts can maximize a teacher's instructional time.

Why use Screencasts?

Teachers can post screencasts to their Google Classrooms to allow students to access information in the classroom while the teacher is working with other students. Additionally, students can access the screencasts at home to preview or review content.

Best Practices

  1. Research shows that the ideal length of a video should be approximately 6 minutes. Engagement drops for screencasts after 9 minutes.

    • We recommend that screencasts be no longer than 15 minutes.

    • Chunk longer videos into smaller segments. Example- Take a 20 minute lecture and break it into smaller videos.

  2. Be enthusiastic and use conversational language.

  3. Sit so there is light in front of you. Consider putting a lamp in front of your device.

  4. Don't use too much text or graphics. The students want to see and hear from you!

  5. Don't be afraid to make mistakes! You can't get consumed in the editing of your videos so accept early on that there will be mistakes.

Screencast with Screencastify


  • Browser-based

  • Saves directly to your Google Drive.

  • Can share to Google Classroom

  • Publish to YouTube

  • Embed web-cam on/off during recording process.

  • Free drawing tools

    • Draw and Erase

    • Options for type of mouse


  • There are limited editing tools.

    • You can only trim the beginning/ending of recording.

  • Free version limits videos to 5 minutes.

Or Loom


Or Screencast-O-Matic

  • Can share to Google Classroom

  • Publish to YouTube

  • You will need to download the software to your computer

  • There are limited editing tools.

    • You can only trim the beginning/ending of recording.

  • Free version limits videos to 15 minutes.

Or Screencast with Google Meet

  • Browser-based so you don't have to download software to your computer.

  • Saves to your Google Drive.

  • No editing features

  • Unlimited amount of time for recording.

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