Google Forms

What is a Google Form?

Google Forms is a tool that allows you to collect information from individuals via surveys or quizzes. The data gained from the Form can then be loaded into a Google Sheet.

Why Use Google Forms?

One of the best uses of Google Forms is the Quizzes feature. You can turn any survey into a self-grading quiz for students that has options for feedback. You are able to see descriptive data summaries for your responses, which is great for formative assessments!

How Do I Get Started with Google Forms?

Laura Hromyak at Parkway Elementary School has two great tutorials for Google Forms.

Self-Grading Quiz and Response Validation

(32 Minutes)

Change the theme, preferences, and grading

(10 Minutes)

Video Resources for Google Forms

(Videos by Richard Bryne, Alice Keeler, Shana Ramin , and John Sowash)

Set Preferences for Future Forms

1 Minute

Create a Self-Grading Quiz

2 Minutes

Automatic Feedback for Responses

2 Minutes

Insert Images into Google Forms

2 Minutes

Shuffle Questions and Answer Choices

2 Minutes

Grade Short Answer Responses

2 Minutes

Make a Custom Confirmation Message

2 Minutes

Copy Your Form for Others to Use

2 Minutes

Password Protect Your Google Form

2 Minutes

Have you heard of a Digital Breakout or a Google Forms Escape Room?

Digital Breakouts and Google Forms Escape Rooms are essentially the same thing and use Google Forms. If interested, watch the video to learn more about how Google Forms are used to make this engaging learning activities.

Quick Tips and Best Practices for Google Forms

  • The "Make this a quiz" button must be toggled on before you can make a Form a Quiz.

  • Ensure the "Collect email addresses" option is enabled under Settings, General. If it is, the "Restrict to users in Columbia County School District ..." will be enabled for sign in.

  • Always include questions for first and last name.

  • Preview your form before you assign to students.

  • If sharing a Form/Quiz outside of Google Classroom, use the purple "Send" button in the upper-right. You can email it from this dialog box, or copy the link to email. We recommend that you do not copy the link from the Omnibox.

GaETC Leverage Forms for Feedback