
What is Illuminated?

Illuminate is an all-inclusive data management System that supports teacher and student success. It enables users to access all data types, move from data to analysis to decision making with ease, and serves as the district's online testing platform.

Creating Assessments

Most-Used Options for Assessments

Flexible Assessment

Assessment built in Illuminate with a PDF of your choice. You build the answer key based off your PDF. The PDF is uploaded, and students have a paper free environment with the resource of your choice

Item Bank Assessment

Create an assessment from an item bank library that will be published and ready for online testing or scanning in Illuminate.

Administering Assessments

  1. Choose the assessment. Note: There are two similar but different views for the "doughnut" page. See below.

2. Dependent upon the view: Click Administration, Online Testing OR Administer (a new page loads), Online Testing.

3. Choose to either "Test with Quick Code" or "Post to Google Classroom.

Student Access- Go through Classlink

Quick Code- Go to Illuminate Student Login (Lunch # and Quick Access Code required.)

Classroom- Go to appropriate Classroom (through Classlink) and find assignment. (No codes required.)

Quick Guides


Preview an Online Assessment

Edit, Duplicate, or Delete an Assessment

    • Note: You cannot edit or delete items from a published or shared assessment. This section is in reference to editing assessment details such as title, grade level, answer key, standard alignment, or materials.

    • Instructions

Create/Edit/Share Performance Bands

Assessment Settings

Administration Options for Online Testing

    • Customize the test administration window as well as if this test requires a secure testing environment. You can also add an inline test booklet for flexible assessments so the test booklet does not have to be printed out.

    • Instructions

Enable Text to Speech (TTS) for All Students/Per Student

Administer an Assessment

Administer Testing through Google Classroom

Administer Testing with a Quick Code

Manage an Assessment

  1. General Proctoring of Online Assessments

  2. Reopen an Assessment for a Student

3. Force Finish an Online Assessment for a Student(s)

4. Check for Students Who Have Not Completed a Test

Enable or Hide Results for Students

Enable Assessment Review Settings for Students

Hide Assessment Results from students in the Student Portal

Grade Management

Manually Enter/Edit Student Responses

Grade Constructed Response Items

Resync Grades to Google Classroom


Matrix Reports

Complete overview of a student's individual performance by question or standard. The report allows teachers to compare a single student's performance on a question or standard to class results.

Teacher Peer Comparison

Used to compare your performance against your site and district. This report also contains question group and standard performance

Response Frequency

A quick snapshot of performance by question or standard. The report identifies which questions students missed most, what distractors may have deterred them, and how many students chose each answer choice.

Student Small Slips

This report provides information that can be distributed to students regarding their performance on a test on the same sheet of paper. The report provides these mini-reports on one sheet that can be cut and given to students.

To view other reporting options, please visit this link.