Google Meet for Students

What is Google Meet?

Google Meet is a video conferencing tool that allows students and teachers to teach and learn from anywhere.

Download and Use the Google Meet App

If you are using an iPad or tablet, make sure you have the Google Meet app. The app is free.

Get the Google Meet App for iPhone/iPad

Get the Google Meet App for Android Devices

Join a Google Meet from Google Classroom

Tips for Video Conferencing

  1. Position yourself so you’re sitting in front of a window so that you’re being lit with natural light; try not to have open windows or large sources of light behind you

  2. Make sure the camera is at eye level

  3. Check the background for personal items you do not wish to be seen

  4. Mute your mic before you enter

  5. Look into the camera when speaking

  6. Turn your camera off if your Internet is slow