May 29-31, 2024
On-site gathering at Multipurpose Hall 1
(MPH 1 | GF Discipleship Center), 8PM

Our personal encounters with God fuel our prayer lives. When we do not experience God, we become prayerless. When we no longer stand in awe of God’s grace, love, and goodness, we become prayerless.  A prayerless church is a powerless church. Leonard Ravenhill, a man of prayer, observed the sad reality that Christians who are not praying are merely playing. He said that “the people who are not praying are straying. We have many organizers, but few agonizers; many players and payers, few ‘pray-ers’… much fashion, little passion; many interferers, few intercessors.”  When we fail to pray with all our hearts, we will eventually fail as a church. 

As believers in Jesus Christ, we are invited by God to live in holy intimacy with the One who is the lover of our soul. The secret to effective, prevailing, and powerful praying is when we love God with our entire being. Such love for our Lord and Savior is at the root of deeply passionate prayers.

Have you experienced collective prayer and fasting?

The spiritual practices of prayer and fasting play essential roles in the life of every disciple. It is in prayer that we connect to God as He, too, communicates with us. Similarly, in fasting, we abstain from something — such as food, objects, or activities — to devote time and energy to spend with God.We pray and fast on our own, but these practices take on a whole new meaning when they are done as a community. When we pray and fast together, we create opportunities to carry each other's burdens as the Lord had commanded us in Galatians 6:2. Alone we are weak and vulnerable. But together, we are stronger. Collective prayer and fasting strengthen the church as one body.

The Christian Bible Church of the Philippines regularly observes RESET – a three-day prayer and fasting period for the entire church. The church gathers every night at 8:00 pm to pray as one body, as one church.