Count Your Blessings

Counting our blessings is a powerful spiritual exercise. It redirects our attention away from the things we lack and helps us focus on those that God has given us. Gratefulness opens the eyes of our hearts to God’s goodness and strengthens our faith in Him whose grace and mercies are new every morning. 

Make a list of all of the things that God has blessed you with – all the things that you are grateful to Him for. Be specific. Write down even the little things that you truly appreciate. Start by listing ten things and when you are done, say a prayer of thanksgiving to God. Ask Him to make you more sensitive and aware of His goodness and love in your life.

Bonus: Add more to the list throughout the day!

Prompts to get you started on your list:

Access the guides for:

 Silence  •  Sleep  •  Slow Down  
