The following guided reflections and prayers are intended to be used during the 3-Day RESET with the theme "Renew" on January 26-28, 2022.

Day 1: Pray for the Persecuted


Think of someone: 


Dear Lord,

We remember our brothers and sisters in Christ who are persecuted because of their faith in You. May You continue to strengthen them and may they still be joyful despite the hardships. We pray for those who have been imprisoned that You will comfort them – that even in prison, they would know and experience your presence and love. Protect those who continue to meet and share the gospel despite the risks. 

Thank you that we can practice our faith freely here in the Philippines! May we not take this freedom for granted but instead use it to be passionate about sharing the gospel.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.  

Day 2: Pray for the Unreached


Think of someone or some groups: 


Dear Lord,

We pray for countries where Christians are a minority — that Jesus will open the hearts and minds of their people. May You soften the hearts of those who continue to reject the gospel. May You allow them to experience You supernaturally.

We pray for the gospel to be communicated and made relevant in communities where atheism and agnosticism are high. We also pray for members of cults — that You will open their hearts and minds with the truth.

May you inspire us to find opportunities to reach out to unbelievers in our communities. Help us, Lord!

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Day 3: Pray for the Missionaries


Think of someone: 

Reflect on yourself:


Dear Lord,

We lift to You the missionaries among us! Protect and guide them as some risk their lives to bring the message of Jesus to places where Christianity is prohibited.

We remember those who are reaching out to their people groups with the good news. May they remain faithful even amid challenges and difficulties.

We ask that you provide for them and their families' needs. May we remember them always and support them in any way we can. 

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.