from the Vatican, industry, NGOs, governments and academia

Agriculture     Architecture   Biology    Business   Climate Economics   Engineering   

Environmental Studies   Health Sciences   Law   Political Science   Public Administration   Theology. Vision, Mission and Values 

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2018 Globethics CITVN Live Webcast Series  

Environment and Sustainability  Ethics

Tuesday January 27, 2018


Cultivate and Conserve: Towards a Sustainable Development Paradigm

Christoph Stueckelberger, Ph.D.

President and Founder of

Catholic Internet Television Network

© January 2018 | Creative Commons | Educational Fair Use

2018 Globethics CITVN Live Webcast Series  

Environment and Sustainability  Ethics

Tuesday November 27, 201


Climate Change Solutions: What You Thought You Knew Is Obsolete 

Joseph Romm

Founding Editor,


Catholic Internet Television Network

© January 2018 | Creative Commons | Educational Fair Use

2018 Globethics CITVN Live Webcast Series  

Environment and Sustainability  Ethics

Tuesday November 27, 201


A movement of movements, next steps advocate for transition to a new economic system

Stewart Wallis

International Director at Oxfam

Executive Director of the New Economics Foundation

Fellow of the Club of Rome


The Just Third Way: How We Can Create Green Growth, Widespread Prosperity and Global Peace

Norman G. Kurland, J.D.


Center for Economic and Social Justice (CESJ)


Catholic Internet Television Network

© January 2018 | Creative Commons | Educational Fair Use

2018 Globethics CITVN Live Webcast Series

Environment and Sustainability Ethics

Tuesday December 3, 2018 


Climate Change and the Built Environment

John Onyango, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Architecture Department

University of Notre Dame


Catholic Internet Television Network

© January 2018 | Creative Commons | Educational Fair Use


2018 Globethics CITVN Live Webcast Series

Environment and Sustainability Ethics

Tuesday December 3, 2018 


The Challenge of Jesus

John Dominic Crossan

Professor emeritus at DePaul University

and bestselling author


Catholic Internet Television Network

© January 2018 | Creative Commons | Educational Fair Use

2018 Globethics CITVN Live Webcast Series

Environment and Sustainability Ethics

Tuesday December 3, 2018 


Climate Shock: It’s not over ‘til the fat tail zingsthe fat tail zings 

Gernot Wagner, Ph.D.

Financial Times Prize-winning author 

Research Associate and lecturer

Environmental Science and Public Policy

Harvard School of Engineering & Science 


Catholic Internet Television Network

© January 2018 | Creative Commons | Educational Fair Use

2018 Globethics CITVN Live Webcast Series

Environment and Sustainability Ethics

Tuesday December 3, 2018 


Investing Locally

Michael Shuman

Author, Professor, Speaker, Advocate

Cutting Edge Capital

Post Carbon Institute


Seeing God in the Workplace

How Business Firms Can Elevate Society

by Engaging in Sustainable Business Practices

Thomas Fitzmaurice, Ph.D. - Finance

Michael Fox, J.D. - Business Law

Tracey Niemotko, JD, CPA, CFE - Accounting

Anthony Scardillo, DM, MBA - Marketing

Moira Tolan, Ph.D. - Management

Veronica McMillan, RN, JD - Healthcare Management

Faculty Members Mount Saint Mary College School of Business


Catholic Internet Television Network

© January 2018 | Creative Commons | Educational Fair Use

2018 Globethics CITVN Live Webcast Series

Environment and Sustainability Ethics

Tuesday October 23, 2018 


The role of the Commons  in the Coming Transformation

Michel Bauwens 

Founder - Foundation for Peer-to-Peer Alternatives 

External expert at the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences (2008, 2012)


Catholic Internet Television Network

© January 2018 | Creative Commons | Educational Fair Use


Atmospheric Trust Litigation Around the World

Mary Christina Wood, J.D.

Philip H. Knight Professor of Law

University of Oregon School of Law

Author of "Nature's Trust”


Ecumenical Background of and Reactions to Laudato Si

Guillermo Kerber, Ph.D.


Atelier Œcuménique de Théologie

Service Formation Eglise

Catholique Romaine – Genève - Switzerland