
Money is an essential element in each of our lives. We entrust our financial well-being to people who safeguard bank accounts, provide loans, insure cars and homes, and help us make wise investments. Their math skills must be strong, and they must be precise, paying close attention to detail and keeping accurate records. Workers also need good communication skills so that they can respond to questions and clearly explain information. They must be service-oriented and sometimes work with people who are under stress about their finances. 

Finance jobs exist in settings that range from banks to tax return centers to private offices. Most large organizations like hospitals have finance employees. While financial specialists usually have an 8-to-5 schedule, some workers' schedules must accommodate their clients' after-work hours. Tax preparers have intense work times from the beginning of January until April 15. 

In North Carolina, most finance occupations require a high school education or a bachelor's degree. Occupations within this cluster with the greatest predicted growth include personal financial advisors, loan interviewers and clerks, and loan officers. The finance and insurance industry has one of the highest average weekly wages when compared with other industries. Likely places to find jobs include banks, corporate management offices, insurance agencies, insurance underwriting companies, and offices of certified public accountants. 

The Finance  Career Cluster identifies four career pathways: